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Rome Sweet Rome


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With my love of all things Roman Empire, I must say after some thought, that if the MEU just took it to the Empire, they would win. I say this because Cortez basically took over the Aztec army/kingdom with about 200 guys. Well, this could be similar. The only thing that makes me pause is the fact that the Roman Empire was so large and I'm not entirely sure it would disintegrate over night. Kind of like when Hannibal was whippin' dat az all up and down the Italian peninsula, the main towns, etc. didn't want to go against Rome in case of retribution.


If Rome is still around after MEU supplies run out, it could get real ugly.

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With my love of all things Roman Empire, I must say after some thought, that if the MEU just took it to the Empire, they would win. I say this because Cortez basically took over the Aztec army/kingdom with about 200 guys. Well, this could be similar. The only thing that makes me pause is the fact that the Roman Empire was so large and I'm not entirely sure it would disintegrate over night. Kind of like when Hannibal was whippin' dat az all up and down the Italian peninsula, the main towns, etc. didn't want to go against Rome in case of retribution.


If Rome is still around after MEU supplies run out, it could get real ugly.

The Romans lack one other thing - communications, other than some guy on a horse. By the time the far flung legions were informed and returned to Rome, it would / could have been completely laid waste or subjugated.


Also, like any other empire based on conquest, it would probably fall apart quite quickly as the armies left and the subjugated peoples realized they were free.


The Cortez example holds water. Cavalry, even though only a handful, was his difference maker. The MEU actually have flying machines and armored vehicles, as well as the ability to kill in droves from miles away.


It's the equivalent of us being invaded by aliens ten thousand years advanced - it's not a contest as long as the Marines don't do anything stupid.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The premise itself is actually pretty silly IMO. Rather like the "how many 10 yr olds can you beat up" bit. With even a modest amount of ammo and weaponry, a modern unit could beat even tens of thousands of ancient armies with the slightest effort.


Also if such a time warp/etc really happened, I don't think most writers would approach it at all realistically, and this is an example (not that that's bad per se, after all it's just a vehicle to spin a yarn). Romans absolutely would be freaking out and even the best of them would not just take a long look and go "well it's only machinery" etc. The modern forces would be assumed to be gods, no question. I question whether Romans would do anything other than piss their pants and offer sacrifices or some such. Amazing how many people today think ancient peoples were basically the same as us with mostly just superficial differences, eg just wore diff clothes and had less technology. ahhhh no. Hardly.


once they saw our guns and bullets...they would fold immediately...

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I'm still waiting for the rest of story


Roving bands of Vandals and Barbarians from the north catch us with our pants down and destroy us.

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