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How Obamacare is affecting businesses


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I still don't see why you wouldn't want to get rid of the health care and all the admin overhead that goes with it and just fork over the equivalent in cash. You could eliminate half your HR department plus not have to worry about next year's premiums (which in large measure you can't control).


At this point I've gotta say you're grimly hanging on to the employer-funded health care argument out of right wing principle, not logic.


like I said before, I think business is basically ambivalent on the issue of whether their employees expect a portion of their compensation as health benefits or not. the reason it got that way, of course, is that the government created a giant tax loophole for health benefits, so it's almost always advantageous as far as getting the employee the most benefit for the least cost because it flows to them completely tax free.

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like I said before, I think business is basically ambivalent on the issue of whether their employees expect a portion of their compensation as health benefits or not. the reason it got that way, of course, is that the government created a giant tax loophole for health benefits, so it's almost always advantageous as far as getting the employee the most benefit for the least cost because it flows to them completely tax free.

Yes, I get that, and it was all perfectly fine when health care costs were a minor issue. It's a lot different nowadays, of course - the equivalent of giving employees a massive raise beyond inflation. There's also the option of reducing or eliminating health benefits but that doesn't exactly help retain good employees. I think the worst problem is the uncontrollability of this particular cost. As we've been told ad nauseam, businesses hate uncertainty and this cost is the grandaddy of uncertainty.


I guess my point is that I don't see anything good for businesses in remaining involved in health care, thus they ought to be in favor of other alternatives.

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Yes, I get that, and it was all perfectly fine when health care costs were a minor issue. It's a lot different nowadays, of course - the equivalent of giving employees a massive raise beyond inflation. There's also the option of reducing or eliminating health benefits but that doesn't exactly help retain good employees. I think the worst problem is the uncontrollability of this particular cost. As we've been told ad nauseam, businesses hate uncertainty and this cost is the grandaddy of uncertainty.


I guess my point is that I don't see anything good for businesses in remaining involved in health care, thus they ought to be in favor of other alternatives.


I agree with you completely. obviously it's worth noting that now with obamacare, the link between employment and health benefits is stronger than ever. used to be it was just the tax loophole holding that link together. now it's a legal mandate (unless you can curry a waiver).

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I work for myself, and I just purchased a healthcare plan that costs me around $120 each month. Not sure where you get your prices...






Oh, yeah, I remember:


YOu open your wallet and write a check to the insurance company of your choice. Much the same way you do with your car, house, boat, etc...


BCBS of Texas. Except I do autopay, no check.

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Put your husband and 4 kids on that plan and see what it is.

I know. ObamaCare raised prices for families - insurance premiums were increased due to ObamaCare.


I worked for a big company when ObamaCare was passed and its first affects started happening. The deductible for those with kids went from like $2,000 to $5000, and other charges were applied elsewhere too. Even the cost of my coverage increased and I don't have any kids or a wife. I wonder whose healthcare I'm helping pay for... :wacko:


Pre-ObamaCare, my coverage would probably be less than $100 per month. And with real solutions to healthcare, like allowing competition across state borders, it would decrease the cost of everyone's coverage as well.

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And yet they still manage to hoard trillions of dollars while bitching about an increase in insurance coverage for young adults as if that's a bad thing. Screw them.

My god!! This hoard cash talking point has to stop. If a company had ways to spend money to make more money they would!!!!! They then would also get punished for it by all the liberal victims. :wacko:


These companies main goal is to make profits to spread to the shareholders - the sole purpose is not to hoard cash.

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Knew that was coming - I was just trying to guess who would post it first.

You know it's true at some level though. It's pretty much beyond dispute that executives have enriched themselves disproportionately in a historical sense and that enrichment comes at the expense of everyone else, including shareholders.

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