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Ford Pulls Anti-Bailout Ad


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The Obama administration pressured Ford Motors with "Questions" about their latest TV ad, which is a very popular Ford commercial that went viral on the internet and was featured on cable news channels over the past three weeks.


Due to pressure from the White House Ford pulled the ad from TV.


So, let me get this straight. Here we have a commercial based on customer opinion, which in this case is more truth telling than 95% of all other TV ads, and the Obama administration throws a hissy fit and whines about it until Ford decides to pull the ad? What's wrong with this president? :wacko:

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Still in denial I see.


he news exploded on Twitter, with Michelle Malkin labeling the tale “FordAdGate,” and RedState asking ominously: “The White House does not like Ford’s ad. Did it apply pressure to get the ad yanked?”


No, says the White House. “The Detroit News story is not true,” communications director Dan Pfeiffer emails.


Ford happens to agree. The company Tweeted:


we did not pull the ad due to pressure. the ad ran 4 weeks which is what the campaign called for


You and the Grunt are clearly victims of believing every bit of extremist propaganda that you read on the innernets.

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