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Are You 'Occupying' The Right Place?


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Relevant information regarding Occupy Wall Street.


Obama and the democrats are in lock-step formation with the Socialist protests


ACORN linked to Occupy Wall Street protest, says DC watchdog


Video Exposing How 'Occupy Wall Street' Was Organized From Day One By SEIU/ACORN Front - The Working Family Party, And How They All Tie To The Obama Administration, DNC, Democrat Socialists Of America, Tides And George Soros


Protestors Face Dilemma: Should They Buy Stuff?


George Soros Spends 'Big Money' to Occupy Wall Street


I wonder if Democrats realize how moronic it looks to publicly back or applaud this 'movement'? See Nancy Pelosi, "God Bless [Occupy Wall Street]." vs. Nancy Pelosi crying, whining and making up rumors about the Tea Party.


Honestly, if we were to imagine for a moment what the exact opposite of the Tea Party Movement would look like, the answer is the Occupy Wall Street crowd. (see link: Top image, above 'Sanitation Becoming Concern...')


Is the astroturf finished yet?


Some more of your hard hitting agenda driven journalism.


Conservative journalist says he infiltrated, escalated D.C. museum protest


Patrick Howley, an assistant editor at the American Spectator, says that he joined the group under the pretense that he was a demonstrator.
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I quickly scanned the thread and didn't open the links so, if this point has been made, mea culpa.


However, while the SEC and the other regulators f()cked up major bigtime, I find the Wall Steet dudes and their ilk primarily culpable for this mess.


Yeah, Clinton and Congress passed that law and the FED kept interest rates low and somebody else did something else...yadda yadda. I'm pretty sure the assertions in the original post that diffuse the blame are reasonably accurate.


However, as much as I hate the gummint and think that they're frequently wrong minded, the gummint can always be second guessed and 20-20 hindsighted due to the law of unintended consequences.


Yeah, the gummint made some dumb decisions. And the SEC and other regulators were clearly asleep at the wheel. And Joe SixPack should have known that he could not afford that 3,000 sq ft house on his $45K shoe salesman income.


Why do I hold the Wall Streeters primarily responsible? One, they're smart and two, they understand finance. Even to dumb@$$ mojo, what was going on in the housing markets was clearly unsustainable. I recall askiing my Dad in the mid-2000's how banks could make these kind of loans and dumb@$$ mojo and dumb@$$ mojo's dad didn't know. We now know that basically banks were playing musical chairs with the crappy loans, hoping they weren't stuck without the chair when the music stopped (dumb@$$ mojo's very simple explanation).


These Wall Street players, the "best" and brightest of American society, HAD to know that the music was gonna stop at some point. They HAD to know that, whether legal or not, these were ill gotten gains.


I also think that most people associated with the housing industry (like realtors and mortgage brokers) were also culpable but many of them are dumb@$$es. However, the brighter ones should have been cognizant that none of that $h!t made any sense.


The Wall Streeters have already been selected for being smart and they had the specific financial expertise to figure out that it was a house of cards. Instead acting responsibly, they poured gasoline on the burning building.




I think the occupation of Wall Street is kinda dumb myself but I think the anger is accurately targeted.

Edited by MojoMan
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I don't think OWS is dumb when Congress is bought by lobbyists. Our government is run by corporations. Instead of spending money here, we would rather ship it, along with jobs, all over the world. Our three wars have bankrupted us to the point that economists are saying we will never be able to pay it back.


We need a complete outting of our government officials. Instead of trying to solve our problems of joblessness and debt, they would rather divide America over race, religion, and class. Instead of the President and Congress taking pay cuts, they want food stamp families to buy less. We'd rather keep all our military bases that are collecting dust around the world open, than build up our defenses at home.

Edited by WaterMan
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I don't think OWS is dumb when Congress is bought by lobbyists. Our government is run by corporations. Instead of spending money here, we would rather ship it, along with jobs, all over the world. Our three wars have bankrupted us to the point that economists are saying we will never be able to pay it back.


We need a complete outting of our government officials. Instead of trying to solve our problems of joblessness and debt, they would rather divide America over race, religion, and class. Instead of the President and Congress taking pay cuts, they want food stamp families to buy less. We'd rather keep all our military bases that are collecting dust around the world open, than build up our defenses at home.

At one time the aim of the political class was an educated populace, the better to compete and grow. In large measure, this was achieved. Now the aim is a stupid populace, the better to keep themselves in power. This is well on the way to being achieved.

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I don't think OWS is dumb when Congress is bought by lobbyists. Our government is run by corporations. Instead of spending money here, we would rather ship it, along with jobs, all over the world. Our three wars have bankrupted us to the point that economists are saying we will never be able to pay it back.


We need a complete outting of our government officials. Instead of trying to solve our problems of joblessness and debt, they would rather divide America over race, religion, and class. Instead of the President and Congress taking pay cuts, they want food stamp families to buy less. We'd rather keep all our military bases that are collecting dust around the world open, than build up our defenses at home.


It is not the wars that bankrupted us. Unless you conveniently exclude the other 81.3% of the budget as being not wasted.

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At one time the aim of the political class was an educated populace, the better to compete and grow. In large measure, this was achieved. Now the aim is a stupid populace, the better to keep themselves in power. This is well on the way to being achieved.


Very apropo.

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