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Landscapers: Try hiring American citizens


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Here we have a story of a company in South Carolina named Tree of Life who decided to hire illegal immigrants. One of these illegals a few weeks ago killed a State worker doing Josh Gordon eating on the side of the highway because he couldn't read the signs to slow down. The illegal was deported but the company faced no charges. :wacko:




NO INSPECTIONS....total violation of any Federal Codes, speed, untested trailers, trailer sway, total lack of any training on "How To Tow" and now this person is gone. Governor Nikki Haley does not care.


Update: Judge Sets Bond For Suspect In Crash That Killed Worker Along I-85


By: Melissa Keeney , Tripp Messick

Published: October 13, 2011

Updated: October 13, 2011 - 12:28 PM

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A man doing contract work for the SC Department of Transportation was killed along Interstate 85 in Spartanburg County Wednesday morning. According to the Highway Patrol, the accident happened around 9:55 a.m. near the 83 mile marker on 85 North, near the Cherokee County line.


Jimmy Carter, a co-worker of the victim, says the man was on a 6-person crew doing weedeating along the side of the interstate. The men work for JACCO LLC, a DOT contracting crew out of Robbinsville, NC. "It's heartbreaking," says Carter.


According to the Highway Patrol, a white pickup truck belonging to Tree of Life Landscaping out of Easley lost control, and slid off the road. The truck was hauling a trailer that hit the crew. Three workers were hit in the crash. The deceased victim, identified as 47-year old Apolonio Esteban Ortela,of Greer, was pinned between the two trucks. The two other workers, Pablo Jamillo and Juan Marcos, were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Both are expected to be ok.


Spartanburg County Coroner Rusty Clevenger says he believes speed and the wet road both played a part in the crash. "You can't ever be too cautious or too careful out here on the side of the highway, especially with these speeds we got."


The Highway Patrol has charged the driver of the pickup, 50 year old Hilario Munoz, with driving too fast for conditions and not having a driver's license. Munoz is being held at the Spartanburg Detention Center. He has a bond hearing scheduled for 11:00 a.m. Thursday. Jeffrey Jeffcoat, the owner of the pickup and landscaping company, has also been charged with allowing an unauthorized driver in his vehicle.


The Department of Transportation does have safety requirements for all its crews, including contractors. Carter says despite every precaution they take, it's not enough. "You got safety vests, you got lights, you got all kinds of requirements that the state requires but people ignore them. When they see it they don't care." He has a message for drivers: slow down. "It's like the state signs say, let 'em work, let 'em live. Well, this man was trying to work and now he's not alive."

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Glad to see Jimmy Carter has finally got a job he is qualified for. Now if we can get Obama one like that things might actually get better. All kidding aside, about the only thing they can prove the company did was hire an illegal. It isn't a criminal charge. They will probably get fined, and ICE will be knocking on their door to check all their other employees. You can be sure that they are going to get the living $hit sued out of them, and rightly so. More than likely the company will end up being out of business within a year, and I say that is a good thing. I hate illegals and companies that hire them. I used to be in competition with several companies that had large illegal work forces, and it makes it hard for an honest businessman to compete. I wish our federal government would actually grow a set and do something about this problem, or if they are unwilling to do what they are constitutionally mandated to do, at least allow the states to do it without interfering.

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The company does face charges, it is right there in your article that they were cited...


Were all the people hit legally here? Should that company be cited also for allowing unauthorized persons to work for them?

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The company does face charges, it is right there in your article that they were cited...


Were all the people hit legally here? Should that company be cited also for allowing unauthorized persons to work for them?


The local news station where this was first reported said there were no charges against the owner. Hopefully he had something thrown on him, not to mention the negative press.

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The local news station where this was first reported said there were no charges against the owner. Hopefully he had something thrown on him, not to mention the negative press.


Sorry, I was just reading the article. I was unable to watch the report on TV. Maybe they brought the charges later.

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I wish our federal government would actually grow a set and do something about this problem, or if they are unwilling to do what they are constitutionally mandated to do, at least allow the states to do it without interfering.

I know it's completely pointless producing evidence to you because by the following day you'll be back posting the same old thing but here's some numbers on how the Obama administration has addressed illegal immigration


Not only that but the focus is on deporting criminals first:


WASHINGTON – The U.S. deported nearly 400,000 illegal immigrants last year, and an increasing number of them were convicted criminals, according to figures set for release Tuesday by the Department of Homeland Security.


Deportations have been on the rise for the past decade, and the 396,906 illegal immigrants deported in fiscal year 2011 is the highest number yet, according to the figures.


Under the Obama administration, Homeland Security issued new priorities to focus deportations on convicted criminals, people who pose threats to national security and repeated border-crossers. Last year, 55% of those deported were convicted criminals, the highest percentage in nearly a decade.

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I heard that GA passed a law similar to AZ's with regard to the illegals, and many of them supposedly fled. Has not been my observation thus far, I'm seeing as many muchachos y muchachas as before I left. And a few new really good Mexican restaurants. :wacko:

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I know it's completely pointless producing evidence to you because by the following day you'll be back posting the same old thing but here's some numbers on how the Obama administration has addressed illegal immigration


Not only that but the focus is on deporting criminals first:


I have to give him a :wacko: on the deportations, first.


BUT, (I know, I know, here we go) I have serious issues with him and the DOJ NOT deporting other illegals they have in custody. I do not support the dream act and feel that in all areas of immigration we seem to be dragging our feet on enforcing existing laws and changing the laws to accommodate for illegals here already.


We must make some common sense changes:

1 - Remove birth-right citizenship

2 - Document and register all illegals here

3 - ALL Undocumented and unregistered illegals should be deported


Here is how it works (and it creates short term jobs.)


Announce tomorrow that there will be registration stations set up in all states (the number varies by est. illegal population and geography) at which illegal immigrants must register to receive work visas. They need to bring proof of employment and residency. They must register their ENTIRE family that is with them.


This registration will stay open for one year.


At the end of one year anyone caught here illegally will be deported regardless of work, marital status, age, educational status, etc...


It is mandatory that the head of household be employed. This head of household must renew his work visa annually during his birth month. At this time employment and residency will be verified. If unemployed, the person has 6 months to find employment (and has to check in monthly with a case worker during this time) or the visa will be retracted and the person and family will be deported.


Any felony conviction will trigger automatic deportation proceedings for the ENTIRE family. We do not jail these people, we deport them.


Visa holders are NOT eligible for social services except for the laws surrounding emergency room visits. You want to go to the Dr., get yerself some good 'ol fashioned American health insurance.


Since the person is a documented alien they will be able to receive drivers licenses, thus they can buy insurance for their vehicle. They will also be identifiable to employers, LEOs, and the IRS.


They will pay into SS and Medicare.


This work visa will offer them a path to citizenship should they wish. This is why they will pay SS and Medicare.


I hate illegals, I feel they drive down wages. I also feel that a number of them take advantage of our social services. However, there is NO DENYING the fact that Americans are too spoiled and lazy to do a number of the jobs that are performed by illegals and if Americans are willing to do them, they do not do them as efficiently.

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I heard that GA passed a law similar to AZ's with regard to the illegals, and many of them supposedly fled. Has not been my observation thus far, I'm seeing as many muchachos y muchachas as before I left. And a few new really good Mexican restaurants. :wacko:


Check out a La Parilla when you get a chance. One at Dallas Hwy and Barrett Pkwy., Downtown Marietta on 120 and Powder Springs Rd.

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Check out a La Parilla when you get a chance. One at Dallas Hwy and Barrett Pkwy., Downtown Marietta on 120 and Powder Springs Rd.

Yep, been there 4 or 5 times already. I'm about 5 minutes away from the Dallas Hwy one. Been meaning to check out Hidalgo's, is that any good?


Used to like Los Bravos, went there last week and it absolutely sucked.

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Yep, been there 4 or 5 times already. I'm about 5 minutes away from the Dallas Hwy one. Been meaning to check out Hidalgo's, is that any good?


Used to like Los Bravos, went there last week and it absolutely sucked.


Never been to Hidalgo's.


The Italian Place up the street from that La Parilla, Vincent's (it is on Barrett just before you get to the Publix where La Parilla is located) is pretty good, and I'm sure you've found Taco Mac by now (Just up the hill from La Parilla in the Lowe's shopping center.


Also, Marietta Diner is a must visit for any meal (stay away from the meat loaf, everything else is pretty damn good.) There is a decent little diner just down from the marietta square called the square bagle, also. And on Cobb Pkwy just N of Barrett is a place called the Whistlestop (in the strip center behind I-Hop) great breakfast at a good price, lunch is decent as well. If I think of anything else I'll shoot you a PM.

Edited by SEC=UGA
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I heard that GA passed a law similar to AZ's with regard to the illegals, and many of them supposedly fled. Has not been my observation thus far, I'm seeing as many muchachos y muchachas as before I left. And a few new really good Mexican restaurants. :wacko:

It was Alabama. And it hasn't exactly gone as planned - the law of unintended consequences has hit fairly hard.

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It was Alabama. And it hasn't exactly gone as planned - the law of unintended consequences has hit fairly hard.


GA has enacted a similar law.


A number of GA universities are not allowed to accept illegals if they have turned down any "native" applicant over the past years.

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It was Alabama. And it hasn't exactly gone as planned - the law of unintended consequences has hit fairly hard.

You'd think with our economy being what it is, they would all flock back under the fence, but nope. Mexico must be a real tacohole.

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You'd think with our economy being what it is, they would all flock back under the fence, but nope. Mexico must be a real tacohole.


something I saw recently...


Now let’s start down through Dante’s seven circles of Hell:


1. The US is much richer than Mexico. So much so that millions of Mexicans will risk the horrors of human trafficking into the US to get crummy jobs picking tomatoes all day in the hot sun.


2. China in 2011 is still considerably poorer than Mexico. The Chinese take much greater risks to get here.


3. China today is so much richer than China in 1997 that it’s like a different planet. The changes (even in rural areas) are massive.


4. The China of 1997 seemed like paradise compared to the China of the 1970s. Throughout Hessler’s book, people keep talking about how horrible things were during that decade and how prosperous they are now (1997 in Sichuan!)


5. The China of the 1970s was nowhere near as bad as during 1959-61, when 30 million starved to death.

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I know it's completely pointless producing evidence to you because by the following day you'll be back posting the same old thing but here's some numbers on how the Obama administration has addressed illegal immigration


Not only that but the focus is on deporting criminals first:


I'm glad deportations are up. That is a good thing, and I give him credit for that. I think he and the DOJ totally screwed up the AZ thing, as well their stance on sanctuary cities. No politician regardless of party wants to do the right thing here. You will remember I was hard on Bush on this subject as well.

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In my neck of the woods, owners ahve a tough time avoiding hiring illegals.


One, they produce. They are excellent workers. Two, they don't want green cards, they don't want to pay taxes. Finding productive landscaping workers isn't easy. Most owners would prefer to employ legal workers, but they just can't get them.


What frosts me the most is that they somehow get food stamps and free health care just by showing up at a clinic in a low budget hospital .These workers aren't stupid. They don't pay taxes, they can send their kids to school for free, and get free health care, besides getting food stamps.

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Visa holders are NOT eligible for social services except for the laws surrounding emergency room visits. You want to go to the Dr., get yerself some good 'ol fashioned American health insurance.



....or move to MA


Reporting from Washington— The Massachusetts healthcare law that then-Gov. Mitt Romney signed in 2006 includes a program known as the Health Safety Net, which allows undocumented immigrants to get needed medical care along with others who lack insurance.


Uninsured, poor immigrants can walk into a health clinic or hospital in the state and get publicly subsidized care at virtually no cost to them, regardless of their immigration status.

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