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Very Interesting


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Guys - this is pretty cool to do and you have to try it out. Did you know that if you have interior doors that are hollow inside (e.g. not solid) they amplify a fart many times over? The next time you have to cut the cheese, close a door to a room and put your butt right up against it so that your fart hit it dead on and then rip away. It is freaking loud.


::wipes tear from eye::


I need to patent "Cliaz's amazing fart amplify interior doors"...i'm gonna be rich




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I can shake the windows and wake the neighbors with no artificial amplification. I have knocked children over and have gagged old people. What man needs artificial help? Real men announce their presence with authority.

You need to register your ass as a deadly weapon.

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I made the next door neighbors dog bark once with a ripper. Window was open and I was lying in bed...rolled over and let it loose...so loud the dog next door barked.

Unless you set off the car alarms in your neighborhood, I'm not impressed.

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