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Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.....


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“I'd staple a green card to the diploma of anybody who's got a degree of math, science, a Masters degree, Ph.D. We want those brains in our country." - Mitt Romney



So people with degrees don't take jobs away from Americans? Aren't there a bunch of college graduates living with their parents because they can't find jobs?


IMO, whether you want to get into this country to earn a million dollars with your Ph.D or you want to earn $7/hr picking lettuce to feed your family you get in line with everyone else.


You want brains in this country, do a better job of educating Americans.

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Aren't there a bunch of college graduates living with their parents because they can't find jobs?

to be honest, there probably aren't too many graduates with degrees in math or science who can't find jobs (there are certainly some, but in general, these graduates fair pretty well compared to many of their counterparts)


I think it is reasonable to structure immigration rules so that people with skills that we desire get to stand in line ahead of extended family members of current green-card holders.

Edited by wiegie
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If you want jobs for all of our college grads with degrees in womens studies, psychology, sociology, and over-inflated self esteeem you are going to need poeple to create those jobs. Two centuries ago those people were industrialists. Today the job creators are folks with degrees in math and science. Good intentions and wishful thinking do not crete jobs, smart folks with a will to work and innovate do. Silicon Valley was not created by lettuce pickers, it was created by folks with a hard science bent.


The whole huddled masses shtick written by some women in another age is well and all, but we do not stick with other thought paradigms from that age. It was poetry, it was not national policy.

Edited by Ditkaless Wonders
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to be honest, there probably aren't too many graduates with degrees in math or science who can't find jobs (there are certainly some, but in general, these graduates fair pretty well compared to many of their counterparts)


I think it is reasonable to structure immigration rules so that people with skills that we desire get to stand in line ahead of extended family members of current green-card holders.



So who determines what are the "skills that we desire"? I know there are a lot of companies out there that feel that people who are willing to do difficult work for low pay is a skill we desire.

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Thanks, but I'll pass.

That's cool - I just wanted to offer so I did not get blamed for not offering the same to each and every individual - you know the new american way.


On a serious note - just busting balls and happy turkey day and do have a good time with family and drink some good wine if possible.

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Let me see if I can snark this up properly...


The Statue of Liberty was finished in the late 1800s, so what you're saying is you don't want women to vote and you want to roll back civil rights? Adhering to any tenet of this country before 1960 or so means you're a cold-hearted bastard that wants to exploit women and minorities.



Yeah, the original concept has certainly changed. You have money to invest? Welcome to our country:




It's a shame he was an older guy from Britain, otherwise he could use the approved method of immigration-- hop the border and have an anchor baby.

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That's cool - I just wanted to offer so I did not get blamed for not offering the same to each and every individual - you know the new american way.


On a serious note - just busting balls and happy turkey day and do have a good time with family and drink some good wine if possible.



No problem. You have a good one too. Besides as long as that's your avatar I'd never consider putting you on ignore anyways. :wacko:

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Let me see if I can snark this up properly...


The Statue of Liberty was finished in the late 1800s, so what you're saying is you don't want women to vote and you want to roll back civil rights? Adhering to any tenet of this country before 1960 or so means you're a cold-hearted bastard that wants to exploit women and minorities.





It's a shame he was an older guy from Britain, otherwise he could use the approved method of immigration-- hop the border and have an anchor baby.

I guess he could do it the old school way, and just marry a U.S. citizen.


For some people, I'm guessing it's not as much about the "how" as it is about the "who".

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