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I think i made a human healer (forgot exact name)


i only played for 30minutes because it took so long to install. i dig it!


Great game!


I was a Counselar I believe whcih I thought was a healer but it turns out it's not.


also my name is McRib on that server.


You guys still enjoy it?

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Great game!


I was a Counselar I believe whcih I thought was a healer but it turns out it's not.


also my name is McRib on that server.


You guys still enjoy it?


I ended up taking a couple weeks off to deal with a death in the family.


Jumped back in on Saturday and finished up Nar Shaddaa, now on my way to Tatooine.


Got my Jedi Guardian to 28.

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Sorry about last night, after 3 1/2 hours I was done. These flashpoints get longer and longer. I'm on Tatooine as well (if you didn't already figure that out from all of the weird general chat stuff I throw out there). We should go kill that world boss. Have you been to the Dune Sea yet? The imps are like roaches out there. Tatooine is like one large PVP warzone with quests sprinkled in. It gets ugly out there.


Example 1: I'm riding my speeder bike w/a group while we are knocking out quests in the dune sea. I see this lonely imp off in the distance so we take chase. He leads us into this canyon and we have him boxed in. But, it was a set up and ambush. 9 imps box us in and took us out.


Example 2: spent about 2 hours fighting pitch battles all around the Sarlacc pit one night by myself. It was great, these imps would jump me and I was positioned in such a way that I would fire off my pulse detonator and knock them into the pit if the fight was turning ugly. took out a level 50 that though he had an easy kill by using this method.


Example 3: in a group and we're running a series of quests at this dig site. We go deep underground and are at the last location which is covered in mobs. We go to finish off the quest and that is when 3 groups of imps came out of hiding and cut us down very quickly. They knew we had to revive there on the spot because to go back through the whole facility would have taken us another 45 minutes. So they camped our corpses. Finally we decided to just re-run it (hoping they would be gone by the time we got back to that spot) but they set up an ambush at the entrance with a totally different group. After taking out most of them (and dying in the process) we returned to the closes medical station which....surprise, surprise, they were camping.


Example 4: Around 14 imps were roaming around tatooine attacking republic bases. They would camp outside each major exit and kill whatever came out. Then, they all (in sync with each other) rushed into anchor head and kept killing off main NPCs.


Example 5: Never take the balloon ride, it's target practice for their snipers.

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Sorry about last night, after 3 1/2 hours I was done. These flashpoints get longer and longer. I'm on Tatooine as well (if you didn't already figure that out from all of the weird general chat stuff I throw out there). We should go kill that world boss. Have you been to the Dune Sea yet? The imps are like roaches out there. Tatooine is like one large PVP warzone with quests sprinkled in. It gets ugly out there.


Example 1: I'm riding my speeder bike w/a group while we are knocking out quests in the dune sea. I see this lonely imp off in the distance so we take chase. He leads us into this canyon and we have him boxed in. But, it was a set up and ambush. 9 imps box us in and took us out.


Example 2: spent about 2 hours fighting pitch battles all around the Sarlacc pit one night by myself. It was great, these imps would jump me and I was positioned in such a way that I would fire off my pulse detonator and knock them into the pit if the fight was turning ugly. took out a level 50 that though he had an easy kill by using this method.


Example 3: in a group and we're running a series of quests at this dig site. We go deep underground and are at the last location which is covered in mobs. We go to finish off the quest and that is when 3 groups of imps came out of hiding and cut us down very quickly. They knew we had to revive there on the spot because to go back through the whole facility would have taken us another 45 minutes. So they camped our corpses. Finally we decided to just re-run it (hoping they would be gone by the time we got back to that spot) but they set up an ambush at the entrance with a totally different group. After taking out most of them (and dying in the process) we returned to the closes medical station which....surprise, surprise, they were camping.


Example 4: Around 14 imps were roaming around tatooine attacking republic bases. They would camp outside each major exit and kill whatever came out. Then, they all (in sync with each other) rushed into anchor head and kept killing off main NPCs.


Example 5: Never take the balloon ride, it's target practice for their snipers.


No sweat. I ended up cleaning up all of my PVE quests except the heroics last night so outside of those, I'm off to Alderaan. If you want to take a run at any of them next time I'm online, let me know. I made it to 31 and I'm finally starting to see all of the good tanking abilities coming in.


I scored a new lightsaber and pair of gloves last night too. I'm decked out in all orange gear except for belt, wrist and accessories.


Tatooine was my first taste of world PVP too. Seems like the majority of quests lead you to the same area to encourage the fighting also. I mopped up some Imperials last night trying to camp this 27 Sage last night. Fun times.

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Did the Mandalorian Raiders Flashpoint for the first time last night. Scored a sweet lightsaber from the last boss that has an orange color crystal.


Dinged 32 and yours truly has an orange colored lightsaber :wacko:

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Did the Mandalorian Raiders Flashpoint for the first time last night. Scored a sweet lightsaber from the last boss that has an orange color crystal.


Dinged 32 and yours truly has an orange colored lightsaber :wacko:


I didn't get much out of that flashpoint when I ran through. Each time the scoundrel's need roll was higher than mine. That is an awesome flashpoint though, one of my favorites so far. I'm on Alderaan now.

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Ran Cademimu for the first time last night. I was the only force user in group. Went with a Commando, a Gunslinger and a Scoundrel. Easily one of the better parties I've been a part of.


Cademimu is an interesting FP because there are multiple enemies. It makes it tough to tank because you have to keep as many as 8 enemies off of your teammates.


We finished the FP with only two wipes despite none of us having run it before. Best of it was that we got 5 blue+ drops. 4 of them were for Guardian. I kind of felt like a heel looting the place dry but I got a new implant, new shield, new orange greaves and new orange visor.


Not bad for a couple hours work.

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Made it to level 35 and finished my chapter 1 class quest.


When you finish the main story, you end up opening up your "legacy". Other than give you a last name that shared across all of your characters, I'm not really sure what this does yet.


I'm sorta half of Alderaan, half messing around elsewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...
yeah, at least 30 minutes a day when i'm wiegie short on time and normally on between 7:30PM - 9:30PM EST


How do you think this compares to WoW?


I think SWTOR has a "cool" factor that and some nice things WoW doesn't (ie companion) and the story line is amazing. I feel WoW has better balance and gameplay but that doesn't say SWTOR doesn't kick ass. I'm hooked on it.


Also, WoW has a HUGH headstart so maybe SW's can catch up tweaking it with upgrades.

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How do you think this compares to WoW?


I think SWTOR has a "cool" factor that and some nice things WoW doesn't (ie companion) and the story line is amazing. I feel WoW has better balance and gameplay but that doesn't say SWTOR doesn't kick ass. I'm hooked on it.


Also, WoW has a HUGH headstart so maybe SW's can catch up tweaking it with upgrades.



wow is a more seasoned game with nerf balance everywhere so anyone can start a toon and make it to raiding level. It obviously has more content but over the years it got to be a rinse repeat game. After i played SWTOR for the first time I cancelled my wow account (after playing for 8 years). I'll never go back. The Kung Fu panda expansion killed it for me but also SWTOR has a far superior story line and it is completed new. I was so happy when i got my Founders title. SWTOR just needs to add more pvp warzones - the same 3 over and over again kind of sucks.

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I dinged 45 last night. Belsavis is tough as nails. One complaint I have is that I've gotten three new companions in the last 10 levels but I had to suffer through the same two for the first 35 levels. Why the flood of new companions?

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I've been sending out 3 for craft/gathering while keep one out in combat with me.


The rough thing about these companions is if you don't keep them constantly updated with gear, after a couple of levels you really can't bring them abck out to help you in combat. So I've been pimping out my Wookie with all of the good gear. I got some bounty hunter as a companion now and she is a bad assss. I'm torn now since they are both melee - Wookie is great for power roughing but she is good for flying into combat and reffing. Plus you can hit the female companions if you play your cards right. In fact, I've been going through all of the female NPCs like the black plague - I love the smuggler.

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As it stands right now, I have the following companions.


A female human Jedi Shadow for DPS

A tank Astromech droid

A male human Scoundrel for healing

A male Chagrian Commando for DPS

A male Sith pureblood Juggernaut tank


That's right, I have a Sith for one of my companions.

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