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Is there any such thing as a "clean" cyclist?


It seems EVERYONE in the sport is doping, on steroids, HGH.... whatever...


I'm to the point where it doesn't even seem like it should be a sanctioned sport, or if they continue to have it as a sanctioned sport, just say "screw it" and let EVERYONE dope, do steroids, HGH... whatever.


(AP) MADRID - Alberto Contador was stripped of his 2010 Tour de France title Monday and banned for two years after sport's highest court found the Spanish cyclist guilty of doping.


The Court of Arbitration for Sport suspended the three-time Tour champion after rejecting his claim that his positive test for clenbuterol was caused by eating contaminated meat on a 2010 Tour rest day.


2010 Tour de France


The three-man CAS panel upheld appeals by the International Cycling Union and World Anti-Doping Agency, which challenged a Spanish cycling tribunal's decision last year to exonerate Contador.


"The presence of clenbuterol was more likely caused by the ingestion of a contaminated food supplement," CAS said in its ruling in Lausanne, Switzerland.

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I'm a cyclist but I don't follow the sport much. I watch the tour and that's pretty much it.


My $.02:


I'm not so sure cycling is any dirtier than any other sport. They might just be trying harder to keep it clean so more guys get caught. Who knows.


Mostly though, I really don't care. I'm not an avid fan but, like I said, I do find the tour to be pretty compelling drama. Honestly, if they're all doping, so be it. It's still interesting to me. They'd all just be going a bit slower if they were all clean. It's their bodies, not mine.


What it wouldn't change is how insanely difficult something like the tour is. When I was in far better shape than I am now, and riding a ton, I'd be lucky to make it through just a few of those mountain stages on back to back days. Maybe. There's no amount of drugs that would have changed that and these guys are going 100+ miles a day, very fast for basically a month. If you haven't even ridden 100 miles in a day once, even at a moderate pace and not up and down the alps, you have no idea how hard that is. Reasonably fit people train for months just to ride a century. Once.


What I do find funny is that people who likely never gave two craps about the sport feeling like they need to make a big deal out of this. If you don't care about the sport, why do you care if it's clean?

Edited by detlef
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I'm a cyclist but I don't follow the sport much. I watch the tour and that's pretty much it.


My $.02:


I'm not so sure cycling is any dirtier than any other sport. They might just be trying harder to keep it clean so more guys get caught. Who knows.


Mostly though, I really don't care. I'm not an avid fan but, like I said, I do find the tour to be pretty compelling drama. Honestly, if they're all doping, so be it. It's still interesting to me. They'd all just be going a bit slower if they were all clean. It's their bodies, not mine.


What I do find funny is that people who likely never gave two craps about the sport feeling like they need to make a big deal out of this. If you don't care about the sport, why do you care if it's clean?



:wacko: i just want'em off the road, it's ghey and they think they own the road, bunch of snappy little bitches that like throwin the bird

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I'm a cyclist but I don't follow the sport much. I watch the tour and that's pretty much it.


My $.02:


I'm not so sure cycling is any dirtier than any other sport. They might just be trying harder to keep it clean so more guys get caught. Who knows.


Mostly though, I really don't care. I'm not an avid fan but, like I said, I do find the tour to be pretty compelling drama. Honestly, if they're all doping, so be it. It's still interesting to me. They'd all just be going a bit slower if they were all clean. It's their bodies, not mine.


What it wouldn't change is how insanely difficult something like the tour is. When I was in far better shape than I am now, and riding a ton, I'd be lucky to make it through just a few of those mountain stages on back to back days. Maybe. There's no amount of drugs that would have changed that and these guys are going 100+ miles a day, very fast for basically a month. If you haven't even ridden 100 miles in a day once, even at a moderate pace and not up and down the alps, you have no idea how hard that is. Reasonably fit people train for months just to ride a century. Once.


What I do find funny is that people who likely never gave two craps about the sport feeling like they need to make a big deal out of this. If you don't care about the sport, why do you care if it's clean?


I've never been a fanatical cycling fan, but growing up I never missed following the TDF. Now I don't even pay attention, the whole thing is corrupt. If they cleaned it up, maybe I'd start watching again...

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I've never been a fanatical cycling fan, but growing up I never missed following the TDF. Now I don't even pay attention, the whole thing is corrupt. If they cleaned it up, maybe I'd start watching again...


funny thing it, it was probably even more corrupt back then. the peloton has been doping for as long as people first got the idea. don't know if they'll ever be able to stop it completely, too ingrained in the sport itself. I guess if you want to be a fan of the sport you just have to view avoiding detection as part of the whole competitive aspect. go lance!

Edited by Azazello1313
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Lance Armstrong was just no billed so I guess that proves he was clean.

Armstrong sold his soul and cheated. He is a P O S. Fake, liar, selfish, glory hound. They bought his way out and why not? The tdf couldn't let their greatest ever go down in flames. Maybe they should have made him retire for a while and go play for the White Sox and then come back. :wacko:

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