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Huddle Golfers & Excel Gurus....Help!

Seattle LawDawg

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Hopefully, someone might have an idea how I can do this: I'm in a group of about 50 golfers that play most weekends. To keep things fresh, we mix up the games each week and I have built an Excel scoring sheet that can support a lot of the games we come up with. We like to play one game though that I'm having trouble automating the scoring. Basically, it's 4 man teams and on each hole we take the lowest Gross plus the lowest Net (not counting the person with the lowest gross).


Here's a screen shot of the 4 Man game when I'm just taking the 2 best net scores:





I have a separate sheet where I add each player's hole by hole score. All of that data is transferred to this sheet automatically and in the yellow BB NET lines is a formula that simply pulls the two lowest net scores for that foursome. To do 1 Gross, 2 Net, I'm not sure if I just need to figure out how to update that formula or if some kind of temp tables are going to be involved because it gets a bit tricky.


If there's only 1 low gross, no problem. If there are two or more tied for low gross, the logic should be to always take the gross score from the person with the lowest handicap (listed in column X). The reason is that if a 0 handicap player and an 18 handicap player happen to tie on a hole, the 18 will get a stroke and would want to use their score for the net portion.


Then, once the gross score is taken, how do I eliminate that player's net scores from being in the mix for that portion of the scoring?


Any ideas?

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I am sure I can help you and if you want to mail it to me I could take a look. I Pm'd you my e-mail address and my phone # - I don't quite get the logic but would be happy to discuss over a quick call while looking at it and could probably do it for you or try to walk you through it.


Let me know...

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Swamped at work today or i'd offer to take a look as well. I can confirm the gbpfan is an Excel guru of the highest magnitude, so you are in good hands with him. Interested in seeing the result.


I have a feeling, if I understand the comments right, that you may end up needing to have a reference table to list your golfers by handicap to add to the logic for determining what score to use for gross, etc.

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