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Dak Trade


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So the guy who had Rodgers is interested in Dak (who is my backup to Newton) and offered me Fuller. I would consider taking this except that I have Hopkins so I'd only really use Fuller if Hopkins gets hurt. He has Crabtree who I am interested since I have Cooper and Crabtree is definitely Carr's man. My only reservation on that is that I am not sure I would even start Crabtree considering I just picked up AP who seems like my best FLEX option at the moment. I am also interested in possibly trying to get Jordan Howard by offering Dak and Ajayi since that would definitely help my starters.


Here is his team:

QB- Rodgers

RB- Bell, Howard, Cohen, Coleman, Stewart, Cook

WR- Crabtree, Dez, Parker, Snead, Thielen, Fuller

TE- Gronk


My team is in the signature. Let me know what you think would be the best plan.

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You could try Crabtree but I think he's going to punt on that trade, maybe Thielen makes more sense.. Thielen volume/yards with some TD upside has a decent high floor.

If you went RB I think Coleman also worth while even with Freeman, Coleman typically still is flex with upside to RB2 numbers possible.

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3 hours ago, robotpimp said:

You could try Crabtree but I think he's going to punt on that trade, maybe Thielen makes more sense.. Thielen volume/yards with some TD upside has a decent high floor.

If you went RB I think Coleman also worth while even with Freeman, Coleman typically still is flex with upside to RB2 numbers possible.


If he doesn't take Crabtree straight up would it be worth it to add another piece to the deal such as Cooper or another one of my bench RBs?

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2 hours ago, Constantguest said:

What Pimp said. Dak is the number 6 QB right now and deserves fair value in return. If you need help with WR, I would look at getting Crabs or Thielen. Anything less than that isn’t worth it for you it seems 

Exactly and go in confident with Dak Dallas will lean on him and he will himself ROS to get the cowboys into the playoffs.. he spreads the ball well and keeps drivers alive with some runs.  

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14 hours ago, robotpimp said:

Exactly and go in confident with Dak Dallas will lean on him and he will himself ROS to get the cowboys into the playoffs.. he spreads the ball well and keeps drivers alive with some runs.  


17 hours ago, Constantguest said:

What Pimp said. Dak is the number 6 QB right now and deserves fair value in return. If you need help with WR, I would look at getting Crabs or Thielen. Anything less than that isn’t worth it for you it seems 


So would you guys recommend I go with Dak or Cam for the remainder of the year? I've mainly been going with Cam as he has looked good after those first few weeks and I feel like he always has explosive potential to go for 30+ pts and win you a matchup. Granted I may be biased because a couple years ago I rode Cam to a championship when he put up back to back huge games for me in the playoffs

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I think you answered your own question,  Cam can throw in a bad game but typically his ceiling is so high he’s elite QB1.  If there was a week you were going to win by a lot, needed the win and Dak had a good juicy matchup, Cam had a tough one I’d consider Dak in a particular situation but Cam would still be hard to bench ROS.  Typically you ride your studs and Cam is a stud.  

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