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2022 LLD Rookie Draft and commentary

Henry Muto

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The 2022 LLD Rookie Draft kicks off tomorrow May 20th, 2020 @ 6:00 PM ET.  Here are few reminders


First Pick
If you own the 1.01 pick - the predrafting does not work for that pick.
24 hours per pick
There will be a 24 hour timer in force during the draft. You may use pre-selects if you want or won't be around for a long period of time.  Owners should communicate any potential long absences from the boards to the league via league chat or the Huddle forum and have a contingency plan for picks to be made for them in their absence (i.e. pre-selects). If an owner is "on the clock" for more than 24 hours during the draft and the site skips their pick they can still make their pick by posting in the forum who they want as long as the player has not been picked.  If the draft ends all picks not yet taken must be made within 24 hours of the draft ending or those teams forfeit their picks.  We have had some long delays in the past if we have those again this year we may look into shortening the clock in future years.
Draft Instructions
Live Draft Room
You can draft from live draft room and the draft email still goes out.
  1. If you prefer you can still draft from the "For Owners | Draft" home page.  (You also use this for each pick you wish to set the pre-select draft pick for)
  2. From the top menu, Select For Owners | Draft.
  3. Select player from drop-down list.
  4. Click Draft or Save These Picks And Continue if you are pre-drafting.


Pre-select draft picks

You use the For Owners --> Draft page

You can do as many of the picks predraft as you want and you put in a list of players and if all the players are picked then the site will wait for you to make a pick.  So if you really want a player but would be unsure who you would pick if that player is gone you can just put in 1 or 2 players in your predraft.  The Site will not auto select if your predraft runs out.

Commissioners will do their best to process any trades that may occur as they can.
If you make a trade during working hours (7 AM ET to 3:30 PM ET Monday - Friday) please email at my work email hmuto@paulo.com that you made a trade and I will go in and review and make it official on MFL.
If you have any questions let me know.
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We have a lot going on this weekend between JR prom for our daughter, closing on our new custom built home and movers coming on Sunday. I have enough pre-selects in for 1.06 and don't have another pick until 3.06 so should be good. We won't have internet at the new house for a week or 2 but we do have decent cell service so I shouldn't hold anything up. If i am up anyone can feel free to text me 301-788-7709.





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Sorry my pick may not happen tonight.  Have to see about the trade offers especially 1 of them and that person might not be up still.  Will be up for another hour and will keep plugging away at a possible deal.  If not I will have to sleep on it as this is my only bullet in the chamber in this draft.

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Going to bed if anyone is interested in pick 5 send the offers over and tomorrow I will see if I have anything to work with if not I will pick (Probably won't be until Noon ET I sleep in on weekends) just FYI

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@Henry Muto - I appreciate you giving me manure when I proactively said I would be at a basketball tourney today and my 1.13 pick may be delayed if it somehow gets to me.  I think you made a remark about having a cell phone and something else that was very smart a$$y.  I find it hilarious that you've been on the clock for what like 18 hours now and still no pick?!  I don't care, that's why we have a 24 hour clock.  The point is, you shouldn't have cared either when I over-communicated to the league about my day and you shouldn't be so intense with people who don't live and breathe fantasy football 24/7/365 like you.  Let people have their 24 hours if needed and don't pressure/hassle people to pick.  You were giving me manure and we're still on pick 5 because of YOU.  Be cooler, dude.  This is a $50 league that loses an owner or two every year.  Be less intense and just let things be.  You can't control 13 other owners and not everyone lives and breathes this like you.  I would support the intensity if this was like a $500 buy in but at $50... it just ain't that serious. Cool?!!


I like what you do for the league.  I like the passion, care and attention you give to this league and I'm happy to be competing against you.  You're a great competitor and a fantasy football legend.  Just dial it back a tad is all I'd suggest.  Please don't make this into an argument. I applaud what you do, you just need to realize that not everyone is that intense about this as you.  Save that intensity for the FFPC or the RT Fantasy Championship!!

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I have been working hard on trying to trade the pick but to no avail.  Would I have liked to not have wasted the day so far sure would have been has not worked out.  Worst part is just waiting for an answer.  If people would accept, reject or counter right away I would not be taking so long.

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1 hour ago, Henry Muto said:

Ok got my answers big fat no's from everyone no one wants pick 5.


I am waiting for Jason to call back we are debating 2 players will pick very shortly.

And then you take my guy

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There is no doubt that took too long.  I just got caught up in trying to deal the pick and made a lot of trade offers that went no where.  I shot for the moon  in some cases but other trade offers were very reasonable and I was taking less than what was given up in the 1.06 pick trade even.  Then spent another couple hours debating 2 players.  Hopefully not another Reagor vs Jefferson 2020 debate all over again is what I am trying to avoid.  That decision set our team back years while boosting Opie to championship contender as Jefferson fell into his lap.

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5 minutes ago, Henry Muto said:

There is no doubt that took too long.  I just got caught up in trying to deal the pick and made a lot of trade offers that went no where.  I shot for the moon  in some cases but other trade offers were very reasonable and I was taking less than what was given up in the 1.06 pick trade even.  Then spent another couple hours debating 2 players.  Hopefully not another Reagor vs Jefferson 2020 debate all over again is what I am trying to avoid.  That decision set our team back years while boosting Opie to championship contender as Jefferson fell into his lap.

Hate to break it to you but you took the wrong guy

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