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Bumps & Bruises, Bye week & Back ups...

out to win

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I have a lot of difficult lineup decisions this week. Performance league, 1pt. reception.


Must start ONE of these guys:


TJ Housh (will he play a full game and be effective vs. Pitt?)


Brandon Jones (Will he be in sinc w/McNair who hasn't practiced all week, or will Volek be the QB? vs. Arz)


Kevin Curtis (No Bulger, Bruce & Holt back?, Martin at QB, vs. NO)



RB situation isn't much better. Please pick ONE.


DD vs. Indy (Need I say more?)


Kevin Jones vs. Cle (great match-up but he's nursing a sore shoulder.

IF he plays, he'll wear a protective harness and he's got Cory back as his blocker. Problem is, if he only manages a partial game, I'm screwed)



Droughns vs. Det (a fulltime starter but has been very mediocre)




And finally - (Am I out of my mind???) - I'd love to play McCown (if he's declared the starter) vs. Ten. Do I dare sit Manning, who isn't the point monster he once was, vs. Hou?

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First off stay away from McCown.Denny Green probably will not name a starter until gametime.At WR I like Brandon Jones,I think Martin will lean on Holt,besides McNair is hurt 90% of the time.I like KJ but understand your concern.If you aren't comfortable starting him I would go with DD,he is the only real threat on that team.

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Bruce is not back - so Kevin Curtis is still a valid start this weekend. I believe that Martin will lean on Holt, but Kevin will still get his looks.


I like the KJ play on matchup, but wearing a harness means I will start but not finish this game. DD would be better than Droughns......



I could use some help:


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