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College Basketball


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The Heels pull off a hugh upset in Rupp Arena!


Roy is doing a fantastic job with these kids They play solid D and the freshmen are talented. For all of you who thought the Tar Heels were going to be a punching bag this year :D


You can be sure this team will be ranked next week.


Hey Meat, still glad he's gone?

Edited by billay
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Nice win for the Heels. They are better than advertised, however I doubt they will play this well again this season. They hit a bunch of rainbows and killed us on the boards...Noel is a horse, and Hansbrough is going to be very good (we nearly had him but Roy nosed out Tubby at the line...it was a great get for UNC.)


The Cats will struggle all year in the post if Morris is not reinstated. Shag and Woo are totally inadequate, and Carter is two years away...if only Azubuike and Morris had not declared (stupidly), we would be great right now. Rondo is going to be a star, and getting Joe Crawford back from injury will help, but this team will not make a deep tourney run without Randolph Morris.


Again, a great win for UNC. I have so much more respect for UNC fans than Puke fans. They are in a different class. Billay, here's wishes for a good season.

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The Cats will struggle all year in the post if Morris is not reinstated.







Rumor is that Morris will be reinstated as soon as Thursday and possibly be available against Louisville. I think it's total BS and sets a BAD precedent for future NBA water-testers, but then when has the NCAA done anything that helped the sports they sanction?

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Rumor is that Morris will be reinstated as soon as Thursday and possibly be available against Louisville. I think it's total BS and sets a BAD precedent for future NBA water-testers, but then when has the NCAA done anything that helped the sports they sanction?







I give Lil Brother a snowball's chance in hell of winning this game at Rupp if Morris plays. Your squad needed a superhuman performance from Dean to beat mighty Richmond on your home floor. I can see why you would take this attitude.

Edited by Cyclones
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I give Lil Brother a snowball's chance in hell of winning this game at Rupp if Morris plays. Your squad needed a superhuman performance from Dean to beat mighty Richmond on your home floor. I can see why you would take this attitude.







Superhuman effort? You mean like how your POINT guard is the only guy on the team who knows how to rebound? :D


Believe me whole-heartedly when I say that Morris' situation has NOTHING to do with him playing for UK. Knowing how the NCAA treated Mohammed Lasege, though, you'd think there would be a LITTLE continuity between situations that are similar (and probably more erroneous on Morris' part). Whether he played for UK or Eastern Kentucky, I'd think the player was cheating the system to take on an agent and then claim he's still an amateur.


Honestly YOU as a Cat fan should be ashamed that Tubby would take back a guy who completely disrespected the program and continues to expect the world handed to him with next to zero effort. Morris is a bum and I am confident he will do little to stop the Louisville front line from dominating the Kentucky trees. The only guy lazier than Morris may be Alleyne, and that's a stretch.


Cats win... if Rondo unleashes his fingers of fury on the entire Louisville starting 5.

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