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Clemens back to Boston?


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Surely you've heard rumors of this on ESPN in the past few days.


Now... I used to be a huge Clemens fan. I went up to Boston and watched his final start ever for the Sox in Fenway. ...gave him a standing ovation. Great pitcher who didn't always say the right things to the media, but a great player.


I was pissed when he played for the Yankees. I called him a traitor. I laughed at his fued with Piazza. I thought he should have been ejected for throwing the piece of the bat at GayMike. I was not a Clemens fan for those years. (and I suspect that he took steroids :D )


But... I can't say I'd hold a grudge if he came back to Boston... especially since he expressed interest in it. Can Boston fans take Roger back and let him probably retire with a B on his cap? I say... yes.

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