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CRT, LCD, DLP or Plasma?


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I helped a buddy move his 36" CRT. I told him I'd kick him in the balls is he ever asked me to move it again. That sumbeotch was well over 100 pounds and awkward as hell to move.


:D's don't need TVs as they practice the art of killing all the time.

Edited by Kid Cid
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I helped a buddy move his 36" CRT. I told him I'd kick him in the balls is he ever asked me to move it again. That sumbeotch was well over 100 pounds and awkward as hell to move.


:D's don't need TVs as they practice the art of killing all the time.







That 36 was probably over 200 lbs. :D My little 30 inch was nearly 150. My wife cursed the hell out of me after lifting the thing. Short of moving, that sucker isn't going anywhere now.

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I helped a buddy move his 36" CRT. I told him I'd kick him in the balls is he ever asked me to move it again. That sumbeotch was well over 100 pounds and awkward as hell to move.


:D's don't need TVs as they practice the art of killing all the time.



When I received my new TV, my father and I moved my 36" upstairs. It was so painful! At least 200 lbs.

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I was researching LCD v Plasma a few months ago and ending up getting a Samnsung 42" DLP. The wife was unhappy about it.... claiming we already HAD a TV or some such nonsense.


Anyhow, I finally convinced her it would be great and it has been. Its HDTV ready (football looks great in HD by the way) :D and the darn thing is only 13" deep and weighs about 65 lbs!

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I bought a 25"X15" LCD, which is concidered to be a 30" set. First, this thing about looking through a screen, and second, the viewing angle is BS. Closer than 3 feet, yes, you can see this screen effect. The viewing angle is darn near 180 degrees.


I compared the plasma sets, and they simply aren't as crisp as the LCD sets are, in HD. It's actually not even all that close.... the LCD kicked plasma's ass. Lou Holtz has a lot of wrinkles on his face. The sharpness, honestly, better than actual vision is. Incredible. Not just my opinion, friends have said the same thing. They aren't as big as the plasma sets though, and size for size are more expensive.


If I had a chance to decide over again, I'd go the same way. If you need it for a really big room though, plasma might be better in a bigger size. just MHO.


PS: I bought a 36" tube unit about ten years ago. The idiots I had helping me were.... idiots. They could not understand that the wieght was all in the front...unbalanced. I ended up carrying it down a flight of stairs by myself. Ah.... the good old days, when I was a freakin beast.

Edited by Rovers
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  • 3 weeks later...
they any cheaper than a bestbuy/circut city/online type of place?






Yes, by hundreds and hundreds of dollars.


BTW, that return guarantee is now set at 5 years, I understand.

Edited by Ursa Majoris
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Before you buy, consider www.abtelectronics.com


I got free shipping and white glove delivery and set-up on my 60" Grand Wega. Saved a couple grand off the prices at Ultimate Electronics and CC too.

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hmm ill check it out...i dont need the set up as its gonna get shipped right to portugal anyways, thanks for the link






You're shipping an NTSC TV to a country that uses the PAL system? :D

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in that price range, buy a CRT (tube) and get a donkey to help you move it.


a couple years ago i bought a 32 inch CRT, and i moved the f'er up about 20 stairs in the front yard, down another half-flight into my apartment, and then up onto the TV stand (this part was the hardest)....BY MYSELF. at one point i ended up flat on my back with the TV on top of me, laughing my ass off. attempting this, needless to say, is NOT advised, as i had a pretty sore back the next day.

Edited by Azazello1313
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