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Hell Yea!


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:D you are such a freaking tool



Why is that, because I dont find men disguising themselves as woman to share a 1 bedroom apartment entertaining. But then again, I wouldnt share a 1 bedroom apartment with another man.


Plot Outline:Two single men must disguise themselves as women to live in the one apartment they can afford

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Why is that, because I dont find men disguising themselves as woman to share a 1 bedroom apartment entertaining. But then again, I wouldnt share a 1 bedroom apartment with another man.


Plot Outline:Two single men must disguise themselves as women to live in the one apartment they can afford



No i find you a tool because you never reply to anything i've ever posted [maybe once or twice years ago] but the second i pull your card in the IDP folder you jump on a chance to try and act bad here. You are as predictable as you are lame.

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Why is that, because I dont find men disguising themselves as woman to share a 1 bedroom apartment entertaining. But then again, I wouldnt share a 1 bedroom apartment with another man.


Plot Outline:Two single men must disguise themselves as women to live in the one apartment they can afford

where does it say one bedroom apartment?

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Why is that, because I dont find men disguising themselves as woman to share a 1 bedroom apartment entertaining. But then again, I wouldnt share a 1 bedroom apartment with another man.


Plot Outline:Two single men must disguise themselves as women to live in the one apartment they can afford

However, you seem to know a lot about the story. :D

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An old lady wants to join a biker club...



she goes to a biker bar and bangs on the door when a bid ol' NSab lookin' guy opens the door (tattoos, beard and too big to f with)


she says..... 'I want to join yer club...'


'real funny' the guy answers. 'we've standards here. rules'


'like what?' she asks?


'like what?!?! well firstly, you need to ride a bike..."


she points to a nearby car lot 'see that Indian over there.... 1971...?'


'yeah' the guy answers 'nice bike'....


'well that's mine' she says.


'hmmm.' he's not convinced.... 'you drink?'


'only jack... only from the bottle'...


'oh.... you wanna be in a biker club, you need to smoke too.... you smoke?'


'sure do' she says 'four packs a day and a cigar or four when shooting pool.....'


'impressive' he says. he thinks. 'even been picked up by the fuzz?'


'picked up by the fuzz?' she asks..... 'no....no.... can't say I have, but I have been swung by the nipples a couple times'

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