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Sprint Air Card

Double Agent

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I'm in the shopping mode for a laptop. Pretty sure I'm going with the Dell Vostro 1500. I'm thinking about dropping the dsl at the house (and possibly the office) and using Sprint's Air Card instead. Both my home and office show to be in the "best" coverage area. Anyone know the typical download and upload speed with this card? I know what they claim, but that may not be real world. Also, does it work well inside a building?

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I'm in the shopping mode for a laptop. Pretty sure I'm going with the Dell Vostro 1500. I'm thinking about dropping the dsl at the house (and possibly the office) and using Sprint's Air Card instead. Both my home and office show to be in the "best" coverage area. Anyone know the typical download and upload speed with this card? I know what they claim, but that may not be real world. Also, does it work well inside a building?


Have it and love it! While the speed is not as good as my 6Mb comcast, it's pretty good most of the time. I work in a building with 16" thick reinforced concrete and get signal just fine. If course, it will depend on the strength of the cell signal in the area you're in.

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I have a Verizon card. I won't say I love it, but it certainly comes in handy with all the business travel I do. I personally wouldn't use it to replace my home cable internet. The speeds vary too much, at least in my experience.

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Thanks guys for the replies. I'm going to give it a try. My office is in an area with no competition for DSL service. So I'm stuck with a company charging me $75 per month. I'm hoping this Air Card is fast enough to use daily. We'll see.

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Thanks guys for the replies. I'm going to give it a try. My office is in an area with no competition for DSL service. So I'm stuck with a company charging me $75 per month. I'm hoping this Air Card is fast enough to use daily. We'll see.

You can get the sprint service for $49 per month. Go to sprint.com/sero, use the email address savings@sprintemi.com. Click on phones. Click on a data card. Then it should pick the plan for you. You'll have to sign a two-year contract, but you'll get the coverage for $49 a month.

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I just ordered the usb air card and I should have it this week. I got it for free with no set up costs and the first month is free. I can also return it within 30 days. I'm going to test it on my desktop and see how it goes.


I'll post the results when I can.

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I just ordered the usb air card and I should have it this week. I got it for free with no set up costs and the first month is free. I can also return it within 30 days. I'm going to test it on my desktop and see how it goes.


I'll post the results when I can.

Try the link I posted too. I signed up a new plan through them for my phone... just don't expect great customer service. :wacko:

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I'm in the shopping mode for a laptop. Pretty sure I'm going with the Dell Vostro 1500. I'm thinking about dropping the dsl at the house (and possibly the office) and using Sprint's Air Card instead. Both my home and office show to be in the "best" coverage area. Anyone know the typical download and upload speed with this card? I know what they claim, but that may not be real world. Also, does it work well inside a building?


I bought a Dell Vostro 1500 the day before Black Friday, and I absolutely love it. I too have thought about this approach, so please let us know how it works out.

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