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A word of Advice for EVERYONE.


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I am not calling myself and expert but I have some years under my belt in FF and won more then I lose. I am posting this to reinforce this for myself as much as I am for fellow Huddlers. This might help with the WDIS posts. For what it's worth here goes.



Rules of thumb I have learned over the years.


1. It's easy to say "Never Sit Your Studs" but that is not enough as it needs more explanation then that. It's not that there are not times you don't start someone over your stud for matchup purposes but there are some rules to this. I have read way too many WDIS questions asking whether to start JT Osullivan over Mcnabb or Warner over Romo. Bottom line is this. In your draft if you picked Romo, Brady, Big Ben, Cutler, or Mcnabb these are your starters that you planned on starting all year. They should start all year. Unless you have a VETERAN with a good matchup. Key here is VETERAN that has produced before at a high level AND has a good matchup AND is playing HOT. Otherwise go with the guy you picked. This week for example, I am going with Big Ben over Warner even though Big Ben has a shoulder issue and Warner put up three scores last week. It's not that I think Big Ben is a better play necessarily but I am willing to bet against Warner throwing all over Washington in Wa, for Big Ben going for 250 and 2 TD's. Worst case I have left say a touchdown on the bench but gain trade value and confidence in the future. Bottom line is I think with Big Ben AND the rest of my guys they will do enough to win. ENOUGH TO WIN is key here. That’s all you need, so don’t try to kill your opponent just win baby, so taking a chance on a flyer takes second to consistent points.


2. Leveraging point one. Your starters aren't going to go off every week. Brady was an exception and a very rare one at that last year. Teams that had Brady didn't always win. Why, because their other starters didn't consistently perform with him. That said, the more moves you make to your lineup each week the worse off you are lineup wise and the weaker your team is in general. If you find yourself agonizing over more then three positions you probably have an average record and need to trade for more solid players. This week I had Big Ben go for only 15 points and had to depend on Barber to take up the slack. He did and I won and now sit 2-0 for the season. Winning each week requires a combination of players that give you at least One great performance and 80% average ones. Average means 10 or more points. You will find that one week your RB goes off the next your WR goes off and then next your QB goes off, sometimes multiple players, all the while the rest of your roster leverages that player and puts you over the top with average performance. The key is having players on TEAMS that score points. Consistency is what wins. I would rather have a bunch of players that score points regularly then players that are spotty. Great one week nothing the next kills you and you can't leverage that great performance that one or two of your guys did each week.


3. Have players on teams that score points. This is sort of obvious but it could help you make decisions on players and stop about 50% of WDIS posts. If you are questioning a player always go with the player on the better team and that scores points. Oakland, KC, Miami, are teams I just stay away from. Only if I have to do I start a player from those teams. The winner of your league most likely will not have any players on those teams. If you have players on those teams I would get rid of them as soon as possible. Get value for them but Mccfadden is a good player but on a poor team. They will have days that the matchup is great but the team has little to play for thus tanks and Mccfadden lays and egg. You can never tell what a losing team’s attitude is each week. They may just not care about playing that day or have a lame duck coach and know it so they quit one week. Bottom line is try to get players even backups for players on winning teams in the hunt for the playoffs.


4. Don't make trades that are 4 quarters for a dollar bill. I posted a trade offer that I got in my league that basically gives me some value but not enough to make the trade. I was offered Carson Palmer, Roddy White, and KII for Warner and Carlson. I said to myself, Winslow is great but a push in the short run with Carlson, and Palmer I don't think will stink all year long but White is on an Atlanta team that may never score consistently. I don't like the trade because it doesn't give me any more value now then I already have. Winslow may outperform Carlson and should but Warner is far more valuable then what he is offering. Basically, be sure you are getting present AND future value when you trade. You should only trade for players that help your team now and are on good football teams. Don't trade good players for great players on Bad football teams.


5.Rookies are Rookies. Many times you have to make a decision between a veteran and a rookie. I always go with my Vet if I can help it. Rookie running backs are not very good in pass protection which limits their ability to get on the field. Charles, Hightower, Felix Jones, are a few examples of potential starters that just aren't ready to protect the passer like the veterans thus aren't on the field, and when they are, tip the defense to it being a running play, thus hurting his performance. Hightower is a perfect example. LJ is complaining about touches despite having just 22 yards on 12 carries. You think Herm would not like to see Charles in there on a young team with no hope of reaching the playoffs? He would but he can't trust the rookie YET to protect his QB from getting killed. Prime example was in the Cowboy game when Felix almost got Romo nailed when Willy McGinnis for Cleveland came on a blitz. Rookie RB’s have a lot to learn about this NFL game when it comes to blocking assignments and that is what you look for when thinking a rookie can start for a team. WR’s are similar in that they need to learn how to get off the line of scrimmage and be where they are suppose to be ALL the time. Not easy in the NFL.


6. Don't be intimidated by your weekly opponent. Even though the guy is starting Romo Barber and TO say. Don't worry about him, just worry about you. Play your players and let them win for you. I see so often "the other guy is starting some stud so in so, should I go with so in so for the upside" which makes you adjust your every week lineup for fear of getting out pointed. This just may be the week his guys don't go off and you making a last minute change causes you to lose. If you have your lineup set don't change it at the last minute. I have found if I make a last minute change 8 out of 10 times I am wrong save weather conditions or last minute injury updates. If you can limit your loses to just being out pointed and NOT because you made a mistake second guessing in your lineup, that may be the differnce in winning it all and losing it all. Think about it, over the years if you could just have back all the loses as a result of lineup mistakes? They add up, so let points beat you and not your head playing tricks with you second guessing.


That's about it. I hope this helps out some and like I said, this is as much for me as it is for all of you. I get caught up in the same quandaries at times. I also don't consider myself to be above any of you or smarter just trying to help out. Wish me luck and I do the same for all of you.

Edited by Cowboyz1
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Great advice. Much of what I needed right now since I am feeling a bit intimidated. This is my first year and I am 1/1. I lost a CLOSE game last week. Lets just say when Desean JackASS failed to run into the end zone for the touch down, my opponents boy Westbrook was set up nicely for the score on the next play!!!! UGH!!! LOL...welcome to fantasy football I guess!!


SO this is my team as it stands...any advice from you would be greatly appreciated!



RB - LT, M.Turner,K. Smith, L.Mcclain, A.Bradshaw

WR - Harrison, Coles, Holmes, Hilliard, Muhammad

TE - Rosario, Scaif

K - Gostowski

DEF - Pitt, Phili

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(In no way am I trying to come accross as negative)


Yup, sums it up pretty much. Go ahead and shut the boards down, they are no longer needed. Seriously, half the fun is asking WDIS. See what others are thinking. Maybe that should have its own sub forum. It adds to the flavor of FF for me discussing the games / matchups / etc.


The only real problem I have is the "average" pts. 10 or more is a little steep. Heck with that kind of scoring outlook I obviously suck at FF as that would give me 110 pts minimum every week (assuming that by big play you mean 20+ and 20% of my players would be 2). I look for 7-11. Then hope to get the match-up I need to have 2 go for 18-20+. In a 9 player (qb,2rb,3wr,te,k,D) I can afford to have 2 players tank. Say 2 get 3 pts (edwards and cotch) and 4 get 8 and my other 3 get 17. 89 pts minimum is decent in a 12 team league. Now say I ask for a WDIS and have Royal or Johnson on the bench then a WDIS might be helpful. And that my friend is why I love WDIS's.


Believe me, I follow your advice 80% of the time. When I do ask for WDIS its to maybe get a perspective I hadn't thought of. Good advice to "start" with though. And believe me I am in no way an expert either (make the playoffs 90% of the time and have won overall twice).

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(In no way am I trying to come accross as negative)


Yup, sums it up pretty much. Go ahead and shut the boards down, they are no longer needed. Seriously, half the fun is asking WDIS. See what others are thinking. Maybe that should have its own sub forum. It adds to the flavor of FF for me discussing the games / matchups / etc.


The only real problem I have is the "average" pts. 10 or more is a little steep. Heck with that kind of scoring outlook I obviously suck at FF as that would give me 110 pts minimum every week (assuming that by big play you mean 20+ and 20% of my players would be 2). I look for 7-11. Then hope to get the match-up I need to have 2 go for 18-20+. In a 9 player (qb,2rb,3wr,te,k,D) I can afford to have 2 players tank. Say 2 get 3 pts (edwards and cotch) and 4 get 8 and my other 3 get 17. 89 pts minimum is decent in a 12 team league. Now say I ask for a WDIS and have Royal or Johnson on the bench then a WDIS might be helpful. And that my friend is why I love WDIS's.


Believe me, I follow your advice 80% of the time. When I do ask for WDIS its to maybe get a perspective I hadn't thought of. Good advice to "start" with though. And believe me I am in no way an expert either (make the playoffs 90% of the time and have won overall twice).



Totally agree with you on the WDIS post for perspective. I also agree with the 7 to 11 but in my league the points system is a bit different probably so I just said 10. I would suspect 10 would be what I would need to win my league though. I aim to score 100 every week starting QB, RB, WR, TE, Wr/Rb, K, Def. I to love reading this area at times to get a feel for what people are thinking. Like I said this was written for myself also so as to just remind myself not to make some of my past mistakes. However, you would have to agree the less cluter in this area the better and there are far too many WDIS posts that could be answered for themselves if they follow DMD's board advice and use some of what I said above, wouldn't you agree?

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Great advice. Much of what I needed right now since I am feeling a bit intimidated. This is my first year and I am 1/1. I lost a CLOSE game last week. Lets just say when Desean JackASS failed to run into the end zone for the touch down, my opponents boy Westbrook was set up nicely for the score on the next play!!!! UGH!!! LOL...welcome to fantasy football I guess!!


SO this is my team as it stands...any advice from you would be greatly appreciated!



RB - LT, M.Turner,K. Smith, L.Mcclain, A.Bradshaw

WR - Harrison, Coles, Holmes, Hilliard, Muhammad

TE - Rosario, Scaif

K - Gostowski

DEF - Pitt, Phili



I think your golden at QB with Romo. LT may be nagged by that toe so that sucks but he and Turner make for a pretty good backfield. I would try to trade Turner for someone on a stronger team. If the rookie Ryan struggles so goes the running game. Turner will be very dependant on Ryan's performance. I like Harrison to be better and better every week. Coles is ok but he seems to stay hurt to much for me. Holmes will get it going and you have pretty good back up wide outs with Muss and Ike. Top kicker and Top D.


You look solid from top to bottom in my opinion. The only move I would make is backing up LT with Sproles and trying to support him more if his toe is naggin him all year with a stronger RB then Turner on a better team. Kevin Smith could come on, I have him and was high on him. We will see. Good luck. Don't be afraid to Churn the bottom of your roster as you see players step up and replace others.

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Most of this is basic intelligence.



Most, yes. But basic FF intelligence can somethimes elute the best of us. Just trying to help out bit and reinforce some stuff for myself. You can't tell me you haven't been struck by a stray brain cell once in a while that cost you a game Flip. Come on now, be honest!

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Most, yes. But basic FF intelligence can somethimes elute the best of us. Just trying to help out bit and reinforce some stuff for myself. You can't tell me you haven't been struck by a stray brain cell once in a while that cost you a game Flip. Come on now, be honest!

No, you're right. It was a good read I was just saying.

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One sided advise that doesn't cover what happens in the other 10% of times.... maybe More.


You didn't even TOUCH the circumstances of a hindering Injury to the "stud"... or an Injury to a guy (Brady) THrowing to a stud... Or an injury to the guys Blocking (JAcksonville O-line, IND O-line) for the Stud to Run the ball... Or the fact that you can't Run on Tampa Bay...


If you are worrying about more than 3 slots yeah your guys arn't solid scorers... who the hell is gonna trade their Solid scorer for your inconsistent trash?... lol just like your advise in number 4. You take Advise 2 and 4.. and you're basically saying you're screwed.


Here's better advise. Do your stinking RESEARCH before you draft... to the point where you know who are Studs.. you know what are Steals.. and you know what are sleepers.. a LARGE majority of leagues will not be making significant moves... after draft


And about worrying who to start .. and who to sit. THAT'S WHAT FANTASY SPORTS IS ALL ABOUT. Being able to apply your Sports knowledge on a fantasy level. What this guy is saying is basically Draft your players... if they suck trade your sucky players for a good player.. but if someone else offers sucky players for your good player.. dont trade them... . and check them once a week... Don't worry about them (don't care)... And don't worry about who your opponent has....


...might as well not play.

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One sided advise that doesn't cover what happens in the other 10% of times.... maybe More.


You didn't even TOUCH the circumstances of a hindering Injury to the "stud"... or an Injury to a guy (Brady) THrowing to a stud... Or an injury to the guys Blocking (JAcksonville O-line, IND O-line) for the Stud to Run the ball... Or the fact that you can't Run on Tampa Bay...


If you are worrying about more than 3 slots yeah your guys arn't solid scorers... who the hell is gonna trade their Solid scorer for your inconsistent trash?... lol just like your advise in number 4. You take Advise 2 and 4.. and you're basically saying you're screwed.


Here's better advise. Do your stinking RESEARCH before you draft... to the point where you know who are Studs.. you know what are Steals.. and you know what are sleepers.. a LARGE majority of leagues will not be making significant moves... after draft


And about worrying who to start .. and who to sit. THAT'S WHAT FANTASY SPORTS IS ALL ABOUT. Being able to apply your Sports knowledge on a fantasy level. What this guy is saying is basically Draft your players... if they suck trade your sucky players for a good player.. but if someone else offers sucky players for your good player.. dont trade them... . and check them once a week... Don't worry about them (don't care)... And don't worry about who your opponent has....


...might as well not play.



:wacko: That was great. Loved it. Why don't you cover all the stuff I didn't? I think I wrote enough for the target audience that finds it useful and besides I thought I was long winded enough as it was.


Finally if you look at 2 and 4 the player may be able to find someone in his league that doesn't know 2 and 4 and can get better. Find the bait and be a shark.


And no that's not what I am saying about don't worry about your opponent just don't let your opponent worry you into a bad decision.

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just a few points that came to mind reading it...


you asked for it.. nothing is a easy as "OOoh always start your STUDS"..



How exactly did I ask for it by being transparent about some of my past experience with FF? You sound like a FF expert, know it all, so why don't you write up your advice and tell us all how it's done. You seem to have it all figured out and condensed to a simple quip. Oh and be sure to cover EVERYTHING so someone doesn't come along and pick it apart and tell you how much you missed.


Dude, you take cream with your coffee..............

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What is the right way to deal with a major injury, anyhow?? I mean, I had Brady and Colston... now, I didn't drop Colston, but in general, what do you do in a situation like that? I felt I had to make a lot of moves to play catchup and be the one with all the surprises...


I didnt have Brady but I do have Colston. I have kept him so far hoping the 4week guess is more accurate. That way he is back in time for my first by weeks. If you are in a keeper league (this is my first year for that) makes your decisions that much different. Also depends on number of roster spots. We have 14 and Colston on the bench is cramping my options. I play the waiver system for TE, K and D so it frees up some space on my bench. I keep 3 rb's and 2 wr's there. Hoping for some trade bait. But they can fill in for injuries or questionable match-ups.


And to cowboyz..... yeah, I aim for 100+ also ( hell in one league i lost when I scored 121 (2nd best that day) to the leader who hit for 136 ). And again for the record I liked the guide ( God knows I need to remind myself that I drafted Jacobs ove Jones for a reason - though that seems to be a push so far ). And have you seen how low this dropped over night?

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I did give my own advice


Do your research and prepare for your draft. Once the league starts constantly try to rip people off for their studs with 2 for 1 offers.

what an oil and vinegar bag used by women for cleaning themselves

Edited by LayLow
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I love this post Cowboyz1!


I know just enough to screw myself over from week to week, and the reminders should be read aloud after church every Sunday morning...or Temple...or Mosque...you get the idea.


As far as trades, it's always easier said than done because everybody thinks they're being taken advantage of.


Thanks for the head smack!

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I am not calling myself and expert but I have some years under my belt in FF and won more then I lose. I am posting this to reinforce this for myself as much as I am for fellow Huddlers. This might help with the WDIS posts. For what it's worth here goes.



Rules of thumb I have learned over the years.


3. Have players on teams that score points. This is sort of obvious but it could help you make decisions on players and stop about 50% of WDIS posts. If you are questioning a player always go with the player on the better team and that scores points. Oakland, KC, Miami, are teams I just stay away from. Only if I have to do I start a player from those teams. The winner of your league most likely will not have any players on those teams. If you have players on those teams I would get rid of them as soon as possible. Get value for them but Mccfadden is a good player but on a poor team. They will have days that the matchup is great but the team has little to play for thus tanks and Mccfadden lays and egg. You can never tell what a losing team’s attitude is each week. They may just not care about playing that day or have a lame duck coach and know it so they quit one week. Bottom line is try to get players even backups for players on winning teams in the hunt for the playoffs.



A) you forgot the Rams (yeesh)


:wacko: WHat's your stance on running out 2 players from the same team. No matter how hard I try I seem to get myself into situations where I have to do it. For Instance, Drafted Hasselback, but in keeping with the first 6 weeks mantra, Dropped him for Kitna in week 1 because his situation may or may not clear up until the health of his receivers improves. However I have Calvin Johnson as a starter. With the defense so bad they're gonna have to throw all the time.


C) WHat about pulling the trigger on picking up waivers/free agent. I'm never dissapointed in the fact that the player(s) I drop usually go off the next week. Prime example in one league I'm in, I drop Eddie royal after B. Marshalls suspension is reduced because my thought were that he was a rookie and thus expendable not to mention at best he would be a 3rd WR at the start of the season. Right now Deshaun Jackson was dropped by some one because he had to pick up AP's handcuff. Is he worth dopping one of my guys for? Not to mention, I'm trying to trade Tom jones for Pop



D) and most important for me is how do you keep youself control. SOme people can lose and it's water off the back, for others it really effect them way more than it should. Hopefully you have something to say on that because I'm the latter.


Thanks for reading


Thanks to cowboyz

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:wacko: WHat's your stance on running out 2 players from the same team. No matter how hard I try I seem to get myself into situations where I have to do it. For Instance, Drafted Hasselback, but in keeping with the first 6 weeks mantra, Dropped him for Kitna in week 1 because his situation may or may not clear up until the health of his receivers improves. However I have Calvin Johnson as a starter. With the defense so bad they're gonna have to throw all the time.



I don't worry about having players on the same team as long as they perform. In fact, I like to have what I call hookups if I can. Big Ben and Ward, Warner and Boldin, Romo and TO, and I really love to have QB RB combos which basically insures you get every point the offense scores in most cases. This year I would love to have Romo and Barber or Big Ben and Willy Parker or even Manning and Addai (if Addai would get his act together but I suspect the O line and Mannings rust has something to do with that)



C) WHat about pulling the trigger on picking up waivers/free agent. I'm never dissapointed in the fact that the player(s) I drop usually go off the next week. Prime example in one league I'm in, I drop Eddie royal after B. Marshalls suspension is reduced because my thought were that he was a rookie and thus expendable not to mention at best he would be a 3rd WR at the start of the season. Right now Deshaun Jackson was dropped by some one because he had to pick up AP's handcuff. Is he worth dopping one of my guys for? Not to mention, I'm trying to trade Tom jones for Pop



First of all GRAB D Jackson. My rule is I don't drop a player until he proves over consecutive weeks he doesn't perform to a minumim level. What does that mean? It means if I have a QB like Bulger and I realize he is most likely not going to live let alone throw touchdowns it's time to let him go for Gus and the Vikings to see what he does. RB's I look for touches and production on those touches. Also I evaluate the O line, who does he share carries with and who is passing the ball. Most importantly, how good are they in pass protection. If they can't pass block then they can't be on the field in pass protection which means their touches will be limited AND the D knows it's run when they come in. For example, I always churn the bottom of my roster with long shots that may become starters later as the season progresses. For example, Micheal Bush is probably going to have a good week with Fargas injured and DM nicked up. So in the short term Bush may be valuable for a few weeks if your desperate for a spot start. However, I had him sitting down there on my bench but I dropped him and picked up Jamal Charles. Why you might say, because my starters are Marion Barber, Reggie Bush with Kevin Smith on the bench as backup. AND Jamal Charles has two thing going for him. One, the wheels are coming off LJ and Herm just said he will no longer be on goal line duty. Therefore, reading between the lines, Herm realizes the doesn't have to put up with LJ's me me attitude and this year is about learning and getting his young guys experience. How does he do that, start putting Charles and the other guys in on short yardage and let them get experience. Start working them in and letting them learn pass protection while letting LJ play in pass protection so the QB doesn't get killed. The season for the Chiefs is about getting better for next year and finding out who can play and who can't. I like what I see in Charles and since I have the room I am sitting him on my bench because I believe he will be the starter by mid season and become a possible trade player as a starting rookie like Forte. I did the same thing with Meachem, N.O. last years first round pick. These are two flyer spots that I just use to take wild outside shots on players I believe may have some value later in the season. For WR's I use the catch and looks rule. If a WR has less then three catches and very few looks then I drop him. If he produces each week then I keep him regardless of how well. Eddie Royal I would have kept because he proved he could produce and produce when the D rolled coverage to stop him. That says A LOT. Marshall HELPS him not hurt him. As D's roll coverage to Marshall, Royal gets more man to man coverage thus more looks. Notice they trusted the kid so much they went to him in the red zone to beat San Diego and the two point conversion on back to back same plays. Usually there is a primary target and 2 secondarys on each team who may or may not be recievers. For example, in ARZ Boldin is primary and Fitz is secondary. If the ball is going to be in the air odds are it is going two one of those two. In N.O. the primary is/was Colston, but the secondary is Bush. Identify the primary and secondary targets for each team then look at their production. On some teams only the Primary is worth a fantasy roster spot and on some there are as many as three that are high value WR's. Anyhow that is roughly how I evaluate players for adds and drops. Bottom line is this. Runners are only as good as the amount they touch the ball and the line that is blocking for them combined with how good a QB is in threating the D and forcing the D to play back for fear of passing. WRs are only as good as the passer throwing them the ball and the pass protection allowing the QB to get the ball off. QB's is pretty easy, do they throw for yardage and touchdowns on a consitant basis period. That's about it.


D) and most important for me is how do you keep youself control. SOme people can lose and it's water off the back, for others it really effect them way more than it should. Hopefully you have something to say on that because I'm the latter.


Not sure what you mean by this. Are you screeming at the wife or throwing poopy around the house when you lose or just bummed out yelling at yourself and the TV saying why did I start your sorry ass, I knew you wouldn't do $hit? Or find yourself yelling CATCH THE FRIGGIN BALL FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD YOUR KILLING ME!. Well if it is the latter, then welcome to Fantasy Football. If it is the former, then I suggest smoking a bowl. :D

Seriously, if you start the players you believe you did your homework on and played the best starters you could based on their past performance and risk ranking then you did all you could. Move on to next week. You may lose games just don't lose them because you bet on flyers while your studs you drafted sat on the bench. That will make you mad as in crazy. Hope this helps. Good luck


Expound on the last question and maybe I can answer it better for you.

Edited by Cowboyz1
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