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Gotta pick my 1 Keeper

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I am picking 12th in a 12 team 1 player keeper league where scoring is performance based and the only players to get PPR are RBs and TEs. That being said I am trying to figure who I should choose as my Keeper. Steven Jackson or Chris Johnson?


Additional information to consider is after each team declares their keeper, we then do a serpentine draft from 1-12, making my first and second pick of the 2009 draft the 24th and 25th player off the board.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Edited by Seppukufalls
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Johnson is the new kid on the block with a lot of talent on a team that runs the ball. However, Lendall is there and will vulture a lot of TDs. Jackson has a lot of talent too. However, he plays on a horrible team. Maybe his O-line improves, but one thing for sure he catches the ball a lot and does not have to worry about losing any stats to another RB.


Close call, but I would keep Jackson.

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Agreed. Jackson is the way to go here.


ETA Reasoning: Jackson is being considered as the #3-4 pick overall. Johnson comes in at 5 at the earliest, and that's being generous. The fact that you pick 12th lines up with if you had the #1 pick instead of keepers. Jackson is closer to being the #1 pick than Johnson. Hopefully some of the other teams don't have keepers worthy of the 1st round.

Edited by DO Jaded
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Actually, the way we do the draft I still line up as the last team in round 2 to pick and the first in round 3. We post our keepers in the box where the names should be and then we do the draft in the order of how each team finished the prior year (worst to first). I won the championship so I pick 12th. I don't know if that would change anything you guys were thinking or not.


Either way thanks for the input...Jackson is also my homer pick because once I've had him on my team (even with injuries) I have come in 2nd once and won my leagues championship back to back. I didn't want my homerism to cloud my judgement though.



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Stephen Jackson in a landslide for me


I'd be hard pressed to keep anyone above APete and MJD over Jackson...and when all is said and done this year I wouldn't be surprised if Jackson has the best year of the three of them (obviously health dependent)


Best of Luck!


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Stephen Jackson in a landslide for me


I'd be hard pressed to keep anyone above APete and MJD over Jackson...and when all is said and done this year I wouldn't be surprised if Jackson has the best year of the three of them (obviously health dependent)


Best of Luck!



agree completely

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm in the same position you are in, except I'm in a 10 team league....

So, we only keep one player, and i've had S.Jackson for some time now, he's made me laugh and he's made me cry..

This year however I am going to go with Johnson..He is definatly the future..he has a better chance to explode, i think Jackson has peaked already, he is not going surpass his 2005 season...


Go with Johnson

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I'd keep Johnson.


the Ram's O-Line still sucks which doesn't bode well for Bulger making a big come back. No Tory Holt also does very little for stretching defenses. Every defense will lock down on SJax because the Rams are a one-weapon-team. With no protection up front......it could be another long season for St. Louis.


Sure LWhite will vulture the short yardage carries and TDs.....but CJohnson should still flourish in this system. Besides...LWhite isn't gonna be catching balls out of the backfield....Johnson will.

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Seems like a lot of posters here have Jackson on their fantasy squads.


The Rams can't keep running the ball when they're down by 4 TD's in the 2nd quarter.


Keep Johnson.


No they can't, but they can throw it and SJax is awesome in a PPR.


Having written that, I would take Johnson due to SJax's injury history, his o-line (need to see how the changes play out), lack of WR's and a QB who is clearly on the downside. All things equal, SJax would be the choice. But they are not and Johnson carries less risk. With your first "pick," you cannot afford to take a chance.

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