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Leaning on gov't largesse to get you through a rough patch


Would you apply for the "homeowners assistance plan"?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you apply for the "homeowners assistance plan"?

    • Yes - I voted for Obama
    • Yes - I voted for McCain
    • Yes - I didn't vote, but tend to lean liberal
    • Yes - I didn't vote, but tend to lean conservative
    • No - I voted for Obama
    • No - I voted for McCain
    • No - I didn't vote, but tend to lean liberal
    • No - I didn't vote, but tend to lean conservative
    • Not enough information to vote
    • I don't know, this is a really hard decision
  2. 2. If you answered "no" to Question #1, what scenario would have to occur before you would apply for some sort of meaningful assistance from the federal government?

    • I answered "yes" to Q1 and can't answer this question.
    • I answered "no" to Q1 -- however, I would have answered "yes" to Q1 if I were totally unemployed first
    • I answered "no" to Q1 -- however, I would have answered "yes" to Q1 if I were married and/or had kids
    • I answered "no" to Q1 -- however, I would have answered "yes" if there would have been other gigantic expenses coming down the pike (medical, etc)
    • I answered "no" to Q1 -- however, I would have answered "yes" if any of these three things would have occured in addition to what you laid out in your scenario
    • I answered "no" to Q1 -- however, I would have answered "yes" for another reason not given in #2 - #5 immediately above
    • I answered "no" to Q1 -- there is no scenario that would cause me to take any sort of 'handout' from the federal government (unemployment, etc) ever for any reason
    • I don't know, this is a really hard decision
  3. 3. If you answered "yes" to Q1 (or answered "yes" to Items 2-6 in Q2), how would you feel about the federal government because they provided a mechanism for you to keep your house?

    • I didn't answer "yes" to Q1 or parts 2-6 of Q2.
    • I would feel a sense of gratitude.
    • I would feel like "I got one over on them"
    • I would feel a sense of shame for having needed the help
    • I would have some other good feeling
    • I would have some other bad feeling
    • I don't know how I'd feel, this is a really hard decision
  4. 4. Would taking advantage of the "homeowners assistance plan" (under any circumstance) go against your conscious / morals / etc?

    • Yes, and that is why I'd never take them up on it
    • Yes, but I'd do it anyhow
    • No, that is the sort of thing that I expect my government to do for me
    • No, this sort of thing really isn't part of my morality compass, so to speak
    • I don't know, this is a really hard scenario

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I dropped off some stuff at Goodwill today. They gave me a receipt. Is it morally acceptable for me to take the deduction on my taxes? I would have given the stuff to Goodwill anyway, so now it is just a question of whether I take free money from the government or not.


yomama, what say you?



Do it, I did last year. Althought I think the tax savings were minimal if even that.


About a month ago I got a notice from the IRS for not claiming $7,000 of 2007 WCOFF winnings for Huddle team Crotch Doc and the Rockets.


It caught me off guard, because I'm pretty thorough with my taxes. Besides routinely double checking everything, I specifically remembered running through my taxes with and without the WCOFF $$ to split the taxed sum with my league mates. I thought I may have messed up.


Sure enough I looked backed on my files and I claimed the 7K exactly like I was supposed to . Hope they don't get too ancy about me claiming it as 4K fair market value. Waiting on the govt. correspondence.


PS, Chargerz, if we draft a good team this year, transfer ownership of our team to one of us peons ASAP. I forgot to mention we shouldn't have the doctor wage earner of our WCOFF team registered as the owner.


I hate Obama and America.

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