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Vaccines do not cause Autism


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Well, I just got a phone call saying that my three boys (ages 4, 3, and 7 months) may have all been exposed to whooping cough. They are all properly immunized, but the immunizations are not 100% effective.


Thanks a lot to the all of the a-holes who didn't get their own kids immunized so that this once-rare disease can now make a comeback. I'm much obliged :wacko:


Thank all of the illegal immigrants and their children... Most of these people do not have vaccinations up to the level of those in the US and further, don't follow the proper regimen for taking antibiotics leading to strain resistant forms of viruses... Just another reason to keep undocumented peoples out of the country.

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Thank all of the illegal immigrants and their children... Most of these people do not have vaccinations up to the level of those in the US and further, don't follow the proper regimen for taking antibiotics leading to strain resistant forms of viruses... Just another reason to keep undocumented peoples out of the country.


While I agree with stricter (or actually enforced) immigration laws I can't help but think that the Native Americans felt this same way when our ancestors came into this land.

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  • 11 months later...

the "waldorf school of the peninsula" for rich little bay area yuppie children, where kindergarten tuition is $17,500 per year, offers this mission statement:

The Free Waldorf School was founded upon the impulse for social change, upon the need to reform society into a community that takes into account the true Being of Humanity. Into the desire for reform were sown the life-giving forces of the teacher's inner work and Rudolf Steiner's spiritual insight. The goal of this education was that, through living inner work guided by the insights of Rudolf Steiner, the teachers would develop in the children such power of thought, such depth of feeling, such strength of will that they would emerge from their school years as full members of the Human Community, able to meet and transform the world.


so this shouldn't come as much surprise. a 23% rate exposes these kids and anyone they come into contact with -- including many of those who HAVE been vaccinated -- to enormous risk of potentially fatal infectious disease. :wacko:

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the "waldorf school of the peninsula" for rich little bay area yuppie children, where kindergarten tuition is $17,500 per year, offers this mission statement:



so this shouldn't come as much surprise. a 23% rate exposes these kids and anyone they come into contact with -- including many of those who HAVE been vaccinated -- to enormous risk of potentially fatal infectious disease. :wacko:


Holy crap, I just looked up where that school is and I grew up about a half-mile from there. My best friend lived across the street. Weird.

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My daughter is 33yo, and we gave her the max immunizations. She's fine. I don't really know what Drs. say is true or not as they conflict too much.

BUT...I come from the era where Polio was rampant and all the things that were said to do, like stay out of cold water, don't share drinking glasses/bottles etc. didn't work. There was not a class in my grammar school that didn't have at least 2-3 kids w/ polio. There were probably more but those were the kids that were home bound in "Iron Lungs". Very terrible disease.


When I was in kindergarten or first grade the Salk vaccine was given to us. A pink drop of liquid on a sugar cube. Later it was an injection, IIRC, and it was a Godsend...NO MORE POLIO IN THE USA!!!


I'm not going to comment on the immigrants causing problems because I DO NOT KNOW!


If I had a child today I'd give him/her every immunization as possible (YUP I do flu shots and am considering the pneumonia and shingles shot). Most are <0.1% problem. Those are good odds. I'll ask my daughter what she thinks. We'll see.


Lastly I feel deeply for those of you w/ an autistic or otherwise mentally compromised child (I hope that's not an insult) and would be searching for answers if I did, but I think the shots are worth it.

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