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Yeah, ok :wacko:


So we're expected to believe the CBO which is a government agency? The same government that has done nothing but lie to its citizens for the better part of the last 200 years. Not to mention pretty much all governments from all societies and civilizations.


Do you really not see it man? Do you know anything about the history of governments or the history of money?


This 'finding' is a setup so when the republicans don't follow through on the appeal, they appear to be justified. But like I've said all along, the 2 party system is a ruse. The battling, the differences, the name-calling is all an act to hide the truth. The truth being that there is a bigger power calling the shots - the money power. Jesus man, it doesn't take a genius to make a logical conclusion to what's going on if you just research things. Reuters is owned by the money power just like every other mainstream media outlet is.

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Yeah, ok :wacko:


So we're expected to believe the CBO which is a government agency? The same government that has done nothing but lie to its citizens for the better part of the last 200 years. Not to mention pretty much all governments from all societies and civilizations.


Do you really not see it man? Do you know anything about the history of governments or the history of money?


This 'finding' is a setup so when the republicans don't follow through on the appeal, they appear to be justified. But like I've said all along, the 2 party system is a ruse. The battling, the differences, the name-calling is all an act to hide the truth. The truth being that there is a bigger power calling the shots - the money power. Jesus man, it doesn't take a genius to make a logical conclusion to what's going on if you just research things. Reuters is owned by the money power just like every other mainstream media outlet is.




I appreciate your posts. Even if no one else does.

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[The way he is going, I put the over/under at about 5 weeks before Brent just out and out starts blaming Jews. Brent, you realize that this information about the deficit reduction has been in the CBO reports about the health care plan since it was enacted, right?

So. What's your point?


I don't think you comprehend the magnitude, motivation and foresight of the money power.


Oh, and what's with hiding the sentence about me blaming the jews behind something called ? Shady at best, wiegie.


Do you have something against Jews, wiegie? Because I don't know how they entered your mind. I've never once used the term Jew on here until just now.

Edited by Brentastic
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Brent, you realize that this information about the deficit reduction has been in the CBO reports about the health care plan since it was enacted, right?

I want to know what this acronym function does. Here is a direct copy/paste from wiegie's post above, minus the quotes.


Brent, you realize that this information about the deficit reduction has been in the CBO reports about the health care plan since it was enacted, right?

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here's the breakdown...


 The enacted legislation contained a set of provisions designed to

expand health insurance coverage that was estimated to increase

federal deficits. The costs of those coverage expansions—which

include the cost of the subsidies to be provided through the

exchanges, increased outlays for Medicaid and the Children’s Health

Insurance Program (CHIP), and tax credits for certain small

employers—will be partially offset by revenues from the excise tax

on high-premium insurance plans and net savings from other

coverage-related effects. By repealing those coverage provisions of

PPACA and the Reconciliation Act, over the 2012-2021 period

H.R. 2 would yield gross savings of $1,390 billion and net savings

(after accounting for the offsets just mentioned) of $1,042 billion.

 PPACA and the Reconciliation Act also included a number of other

provisions related to health care that were estimated to reduce net

federal outlays (primarily for Medicare). By repealing those

provisions, H.R. 2 would increase other direct spending in the next

decade by $732 billion.

 The enacted legislation will increase federal revenues (apart from the

effect of provisions related to insurance coverage), mostly by

increasing the Hospital Insurance payroll tax and imposing fees on

certain manufacturers and insurers. Repealing those provisions

would reduce revenues by an estimated $520 billion over the 2012-

2021 period.


so, repealing the newly created spending in obamacare will save $1 trillion. repealing the new taxes in obamacare will cost $520 billion in foregone revenue. the mythical medicare cuts account for $732 billion.


so I say, repeal the new taxes and new spending, go ahead and just leave the fantasy medicare cuts standing for now, and get a CBO score that says you're saving $500 billion against the debt over the next 10 years :wacko:

Edited by Azazello1313
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bpwallace, highlight the text of this post and then scroll your mouse over that highlighted portion and tell me what it says. This must be the way the huddle elite talk in code. Shady bastages.




Some people just have waaaay too much time on their hands.


And I DO include you in that Brent. :tup::lol:

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Actually, nobody uses acronyms for an elite code (or if they do, nobody told me about it). I just wanted to lay a claim to the idea that you are getting close to walking off the deep end with your conspiracy theories, so that if/when you did walk off the deep enough, I would have proof that I saw it coming.


But, now that we have the matter out in the open, please tell us all explicitly exactly who comprises these big money interests that you are so concerned about.

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here's the breakdown...




so, repealing the newly created spending in obamacare will save $1 trillion. repealing the new taxes in obamacare will cost $520 billion in foregone revenue. the mythical medicare cuts account for $732 billion.


so I say, repeal the new taxes and new spending, go ahead and just leave the fantasy medicare cuts standing for now, and get a CBO score that says you're saving $500 billion against the debt over the next 10 years :wacko:

even better, if we got rid of Medicare altogether, the budget basically fixes itself

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2 things that never fail.


For Brent everything is a conspiracy.


For Az, CBO projections are the gold standard when anti-Obama and coincidentally worthless and completely false when pro-Obama.

Here's a simple real life example of conditioning. When looking up the definition of conspiracy so I could post it here - I had to look to the 5th definition in order to find an accurate definition not rooted in negative bias. Here's that 5th definition:

any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.


Now when you actually go to the link, there's proof showing the indoctrination process at work. After you see the first 4 definitions of pure negative bias on the word, then scroll down to the 'synonyms' section and read that. Nope, they're not trying to formulate your opinions for you, folks. Just keep complying to their wishes. :wacko:

Edited by Brentastic
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Here's a simple real life example of conditioning. When looking up the definition of conspiracy so I could post it here - I had to look to the 5th definition in order to find an accurate definition not rooted in negative bias. Here's that 5th definition:
any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

Now when you


that is a poor definition. under that definition, any kind of cooperation whatsoever would count as a "conspiracy". what makes it a conspiracy is that the "concurrence in action" is hidden from general view, and coordinated toward some activity that is in some way illicit.

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Now when you


that is a poor definition. under that definition, any kind of cooperation whatsoever would count as a "conspiracy". what makes it a conspiracy is that the "concurrence in action" is hidden from general view, and coordinated toward some activity that is in some way illicit.


Like when bushie conspires to receive services from a transvestite hooker unbeknowst to his wife? :wacko:

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what I posted was part of the CBO letter, which breaks it all down rather nicely. :wacko:



The deficit will suffer another 210 billion if Obama's cost cutting health care measures aren't put into place.. You disagree with the CBO report but you use the CBO to say the CBO didn't know what they were talking about because you didn't like what the CBO was projecting and you can better interpret what the CBO was saying.


Except when the CBO predicts something you'd rather see, then you magically agree with the CBO.





Again, any real future deficit control must involve health care reform. Where are the ideas from the house beyond repealing the one measure that actually tempers future spending?

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