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Little League Basball hats


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What the hell is wrong with these kids and their straight brims! Don't they know how to form them properly?!?!


That is (was) a timeless tradition handed down over generations. Show some respect for the game, dangit!! Next thing you know they'll be wearing them half-cocked or sideways. I blame it on the coaches!!


Hell at least Japan tries to form theirs, even if they can't do it properly.


-End rant.

Edited by millerx
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What the hell is wrong with these kids and their straight brims! Don't they know how to form them properly?!?!


That is (was) a timeless tradition handed down over generations. Show some respect for the game, dangit!! Next thing you know they'll be wearing them half-cocked or sideways. I blame it on the coaches!!


Hell at least Japan tries to form theirs, even if that can't do it properly.


-End rant.


Just rest easy knowing that one of those d-bags is going to try and date one of your daughters at some point.

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What the hell is wrong with these kids and their straight brims! Don't they know how to form them properly?!?!


That is (was) a timeless tradition handed down over generations. Show some respect for the game, dangit!! Next thing you know they'll be wearing them half-cocked or sideways. I blame it on the coaches!!


Hell at least Japan tries to form theirs, even if they can't do it properly.


-End rant.

I too hate how ball players (not just little leaguers) wear not only their hats but also their pants...call me old fashioned but I can't stand the pants that are so long and baggy that it looks like you could trip on them....I am much more partial to this uniform style in pics 2, 4 & 5 http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/gal.../2/12/index.htm

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well I'll almost take that over the dumb frat boy trend a few years ago, which seemed to be pulling it down all the way til you could barely see and making the brim overly curved.


it goes like this, people :wacko:

Maybe the "frat boys" in your neck of the woods wore them that way, but tools - "frat boys" or otherwise - in the good ole South have been donning their ballcaps like that since around 1998. :tup:

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