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It's time to kill the electric car.


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At the current level of technology, electric and electric/hybrid may just not be worth it. For years there's been a lot of work on other alternative fuel sources, I'm curious if hydrogen or natural gas powered cars have less reliance on rare earth metals (and, by extension, are more practical at scale).

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Yup, I have long maintained that electric cars only exist because of the erroneous assumption by most that they are cheaper to operate with the added benefit of being greener. I doesn't take very much analysis to determine that it is cheaper to own a traditional gasoline car when ALL the operational costs are considered (purchase price, maintenance price, etc).

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I have a paid off Corolla with 100k+ miles on it. It is my understanding that type of car is in fact the most eco friendly on the road at the moment. A Prius requires that much mileage to break even on the pollution caused by the battery production, or so they say...

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