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Texas takes fun out of execution


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I never really thought about the last request meal much before. But after odering a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, a meat-lover's pizza, a big bowl of okra with ketchup, a pound of barbecue, a half a loaf of bread, peanut butter fudge, a pint of ice cream and two chicken-fried steaks, the gaurd should have just shot him right there on the spot.


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I never really thought about the last request meal much before. But after odering a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, a meat-lover's pizza, a big bowl of okra with ketchup, a pound of barbecue, a half a loaf of bread, peanut butter fudge, a pint of ice cream and two chicken-fried steaks, the gaurd should have just shot him right there on the spot.


I thought that was the method of execution.

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I never really thought about the last request meal much before. But after odering a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, a meat-lover's pizza, a big bowl of okra with ketchup, a pound of barbecue, a half a loaf of bread, peanut butter fudge, a pint of ice cream and two chicken-fried steaks, the gaurd should have just shot him right there on the spot.



ya, that dude is kindova smart ass :wacko:

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I'd request boiled cabbage, hard boiled eggs, and several quarts of chili. I'd eat and eat until my belly was distended. I'd make certqain that they would have one hell of a gaseous, smelly, steaming mess pouring out of me that they would have to clean up. I mean Ginsu them, they are killing me.

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Brewer requested an elaborate meal that included a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, a meat-lover's pizza, a big bowl of okra with ketchup, a pound of barbecue, a half a loaf of bread, peanut butter fudge, a pint of ice cream and two chicken-fried steaks.


When it arrived around 4 p.m. at Brewer's cell, he declined it all, telling prison officials he was not hungry.

They should have held him down and shoved it all down his throat anyway.


And what kind of rocket scientists work there such that no one stopped and said "yknow...I'm not quite sure he can all this in one sitting."


Frankly I always found the whole thing bizarre for a variety of reasons. For one you're about to kill someone - but let's do some small token thing like a nice meal? ?? Also how the fark does someone about to be killed enjoy it anyway?

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They should have held him down and shoved it all down his throat anyway.


And what kind of rocket scientists work there such that no one stopped and said "yknow...I'm not quite sure he can all this in one sitting."


Frankly I always found the whole thing bizarre for a variety of reasons. For one you're about to kill someone - but let's do some small token thing like a nice meal? ?? Also how the fark does someone about to be killed enjoy it anyway?

Maybe for some it's a fetish? :tup:


I'm sure he had a huge meal after murdering whoever it is they killed. Why not have a huge meal before they themselves are removed from civilization? :wacko:

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I never really thought about the last request meal much before. But after odering a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, a meat-lover's pizza, a big bowl of okra with ketchup, a pound of barbecue, a half a loaf of bread, peanut butter fudge, a pint of ice cream and two chicken-fried steaks, the gaurd should have just shot him right there on the spot.


Apparently he never ate any of it.

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I never understood why the State couldn't just offer this "within reason".


Mind you, I completely understand just doing away with the whole deal.


some states do it that way:



Most states that have the death penalty allow last-meal requests, said Richard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center. Some allow the inmate to choose from a menu, others have cost restrictions or say they must be ordered locally.

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In pre-modern Europe, granting the condemned a last meal has roots in superstition: a meal was a highly symbolic social act. Accepting freely offered food symbolized making peace with the host. The guest agreed tacitly to take an oath of truce and symbolically abjured all vengeance. Consequentially, in accepting the last meal the condemned was believed to forgive the executioner, the judge, and witness(es). The ritual was supposed to prevent the condemned from returning as a ghost or revenant to haunt those responsible for their killing. As a superstitious precaution, the better the food and drink, the safer the condemned's oath of truce.


It's sound science just like alf bore preaches.

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