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American Masters


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There is a documentary on PBS right now directed by Cameron Crowe for Pearl Jam's 20th anniversary and it is amazing. It spans the time period from Mother Love Bone to now with some of the best archival footage I have ever seen. If you even like Pearl Jam a little or used to like them you have to watch it. It is very well done and incredibly interesting. Check it out.

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There is a documentary on PBS right now directed by Cameron Crowe for Pearl Jam's 20th anniversary and it is amazing. It spans the time period from Mother Love Bone to now with some of the best archival footage I have ever seen. If you even like Pearl Jam a little or used to like them you have to watch it. It is very well done and incredibly interesting. Check it out.

I'm a PJ geek and saw this in a theater when it was released. It was great. I ordered the DVD version which has a bunch of bonus footage.

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I'm a PJ geek and saw this in a theater when it was released. It was great. I ordered the DVD version which has a bunch of bonus footage.

Crowe's companion book is great too, contains a lot of tidbits and anecdotes that I don't think were ever released previously. Lots of stuff I never knew before and I've followed them for years. It's an authorized project though, so of course nothing controversial. Things like Dave Abbruzzese getting fired are glossed over and were covered in better detail by other sources.

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ditto on this. caught it last week and it held me all the way through. footage i had never seen and a real thorough account of how the band came together and then how they dealt with their immediate, massive success. also good stuff on the cobain era and how it impacted the band.

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Crowe's companion book is great too, contains a lot of tidbits and anecdotes that I don't think were ever released previously. Lots of stuff I never knew before and I've followed them for years. It's an authorized project though, so of course nothing controversial. Things like Dave Abbruzzese getting fired are glossed over and were covered in better detail by other sources.


Yeah - was that Azerrad's Five Against One that went into that?



I'd say that book and this film are pretty good companion pieces. That footage of the Singles release party was great in a watching-a-car-crash sorta way. Some of the footage too - "Eddie Vedder, yeah he still kinda looks the same" until you see recent footage with his old footage - "what, was he TWELVE when they started the band?"

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Damn, looks like I missed it and they don't seem to be re-running it. :wacko:


I can't believe that in a few months it'll be 20 years since my first PJ show. :tup:



Not sure what your cable carrier is but in Chicago-land Comcast is showing it OnDemand. Of you can buy the DVD, PJ20.

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