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There are two homeless guys standing at the corner of 6th and Boulder downtown. The signs: "I run a successful business and I demand a democracy" and "Corpuratoins are not peeple". No sign of the police yet as the need to disperse the mob is minimal.

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Yukon is probably too busy hunting to do any protesting. If he was here, I'd take him bowhunting with me this weekend. I love that illiterate, confused educator.

:tup: i was bird and deer hunting this weekend ... the bucks are on the move. :wacko:

Edited by Yukon Cornelius
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Occupy Concord consisted of one young guy in a "V" mask hold a sign "tax the rich". Yeah, we should tax the rich, and they should even pay more than the people who aern't rich, yeah, why didn't we think of this decades ago.



Edited by PPIchamp
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about 60 people showed up for Occupy Milwaukee. And then held a meeting the following day to figure out what they were protesting about.


In case you missed it, Occupy Milwaukee made its big debut on Saturday protesting in the streets of downtown Milwaukee. The reason? Don't ask them because they don't know yet. A day after they launched their campaign, a group of 60 activists from Occupy Milwaukee attended a general assembly in an attempt to flesh out who and what they are. Conclusion? They need another meeting.


Also some other good stuff for those who try to compare the Tea Party with the Flea Baggers:


The Good, the Bad, and the Violent


When Tea Party demonstrators protested, they were angry and often shouted at their Representatives. Yet there is no doubt that they were clean, responsible, decent, and non-violent. By contrast, Occupy Wall Street protesters have already trashed lower Manhattan, slandered Wealthy Jews, and defecated on at least one squad car.


They also violently clashed with New York Police during their march to the Stock Exchange. According to CBS, demonstrators (with broom handles in hand) had an embroilment with police officers wielding night sticks and batons. Police reported that the conflict occurred when protesters began throwing bottles and bags of garbage at the officers.


And the most recent issue is an allegation of rape at an Occupy Cleveland event. Due to a shortage of tents, Occupy Cleveland personnel instructed a 19 year old student to share a tent with a fellow protester. When she went to sleep, the assailant allegedly raped her. She reported the assault afterward to her teacher.


To be sure, these crimes are isolated incidents at various occupation events. However, if they are not brought under control, they are enough to tear apart the movement. In the last three years that Tea Parties have protested their government, they've done nothing that matches the mess of the Occupation movement has made for itself.

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Two new homeless dudes today. Both white, both scruffy (to be polite). One sign: "I fought for you in Iraq. Will you fight for me now?" The other was something along the lines of "They got bailed out, I got crapped on..........."


It's getting pretty skeery around here. I had to slow down as I passed to make sure they didn't fall into my line of traffic.

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The city parks here have a curfew of 11pm. They were told if they did not leave @ 11pm, they would be removed. They did not leave. They were pepper sprayed and removed, of course then they whine they are being beaten by a police state.


More police violence against protesters isn't helping anyone.

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