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random money question


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The wife is going to try and go back to work next Tuesday. I've no idea if she is going to be able to pull it off so I'm working on various scenarios of economic survival.


Is it possible for her to draw unemployment while receiving her long term disability insurance? I've googled this and can't find anything decisive.

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This article was very helpful when I was having issues getting my monkey to let me bathe him:


To care for and bathe a pet monkey requires a lot of time and patience. They are adorable creatures, but can be quite challenging to keep clean. You'll have an easier time bathing your pet monkey if you take time to learn some basic steps. No matter what kind of climate you live in, your pet monkey will eventually need a bath.



Moderately Challenging




* 1 Build a relationship with your pet monkey by talking to him softly. Speak his name often. Calm him and get him ready for a bath by offering fruit for a snack. These pets can be quite rambunctious! It will take patience to train him for bath time.


* 2 Gather your bath supplies ahead of time so you'll be prepared. Monkeys don't have the type of personality to sit and wait for you. Regular soap that you use yourself and regular shampoo will do fine.


* 3 Consider taking your pet monkey into the shower with you for his bath. You'll be more in control and have an easier time handling your pet monkey. Standing in the shower will be easier than leaning over the bathtub.


* 4 Use a brush to untangle your pet monkey's hair and get to the skin for thorough cleaning. Use a soft rubber brush for short hair. A wire brush will work best for long hair.


* 5 Remember to be careful about the water temperature. Warm water is best.


* 6 Buy some lice shampoo and use it with warm water if you think your pet monkey might have lice or has been exposed to lice. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy your unique pet!


Tips & Warnings


* Bathe your pet monkey every day. They produce a lot of body odor in their play.


Oh sorry, I thought you said "monkey" question. My bad...

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I doubt it. But not knowing all the details of whether the disability is being paid by a third party or the state itself (and the laws of the state you're in) it's hard to tell. In most states, unemployment benefits are reduced by other sources of income - whether those sources are actually disclosed to the state is another story entirely. :wacko:


My assumption is that most disability plans, whether short-term or long-term, would be considered wage replacement already, so unemployment would be reduced. There still could be a partial payment from unemployment, if, even after the disability payments are taken into account, your still suffering an income loss.


Clear as mud, huh?

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i work in ltd and unemployment is typically an integration item from the Ltd. However, it is my understanding that most states view disability as unable to work and unemployment as willing to work if employment was available.


I rarely see someone getting both.


I've never had any experience in this at all. Her disability insurance is paid by a 3rd party for a year. I have a bad feeling she is about to lose her job and this insurance will be our primary source of income for a good while.

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I've never had any experience in this at all. Her disability insurance is paid by a 3rd party for a year. I have a bad feeling she is about to lose her job and this insurance will be our primary source of income for a good while.

Sorry - dont know much there. We typically insure to 65 ADEA or 67 ADEA. We would be considered a third party sick pay. Good luck - hope all works out

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