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I don't know if I've posted this before....


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So here's the deal. When I was with my ex G/F, she was a real raddish when it came to being on her period. So I found this website called PMS Reminder (I'm not gonna give a link or any of that jazz..if you want it, google it). All I had to do was plug in her cycle and I would get an email every month about 2-3 days prior to the predicted start and I was ready as a jaguar. It really worked and she never had a clue. Now...since our breakup, I have yet to take myself off the email list. I still get the email to this date and I use it very evilishly. Tonight I called her up and asked her how she was feeling :wacko: .... :tup: of course I knew exactly how she was feeling. She asked me why I cared and that, yes, she felt like crap. I told her that I really didn't care but I just wanted to hear her say it and hung up. Am I a dick? I think its hilarious...if you only knew.

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So here's the deal. When I was with my ex G/F, she was a real raddish when it came to being on her period. So I found this website called PMS Reminder (I'm not gonna give a link or any of that jazz..if you want it, google it). All I had to do was plug in her cycle and I would get an email every month about 2-3 days prior to the predicted start and I was ready as a jaguar. It really worked and she never had a clue. Now...since our breakup, I have yet to take myself off the email list. I still get the email to this date and I use it very evilishly. Tonight I called her up and asked her how she was feeling :wacko: .... :tup: of course I knew exactly how she was feeling. She asked me why I cared and that, yes, she felt like crap. I told her that I really didn't care but I just wanted to hear her say it and hung up. Am I a dick? I think its hilarious...if you only knew.


I remember reading a newspaper article about a guy dong stuff like this to his ex. Well,one night she went over there and seduced him, got him loaded up on alcohol and spiked one of his drinks. He woke up the next morning with his dick superglued to his anus. Be careful.

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I remember reading a newspaper article about a guy dong stuff like this to his ex. Well,one night she went over there and seduced him, got him loaded up on alcohol and spiked one of his drinks. He woke up the next morning with his dick superglued to his anus. Be careful.

Then there was the guy who was banging someone at work and his gf very methodically destroyed everything in his apartment...gashed all his furniture with a knife, cut up all the clothes in his closet, poured water in his electronics, etc. If I remember correctly he pressed charges and she got what amounted to a slap on the wrist considering the monetary damages.

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So here's the deal. When I was with my ex G/F, she was a real raddish when it came to being on her period. So I found this website called PMS Reminder (I'm not gonna give a link or any of that jazz..if you want it, google it). All I had to do was plug in her cycle and I would get an email every month about 2-3 days prior to the predicted start and I was ready as a jaguar. It really worked and she never had a clue. Now...since our breakup, I have yet to take myself off the email list. I still get the email to this date and I use it very evilishly. Tonight I called her up and asked her how she was feeling :wacko: .... :tup: of course I knew exactly how she was feeling. She asked me why I cared and that, yes, she felt like crap. I told her that I really didn't care but I just wanted to hear her say it and hung up. Am I a dick? I think its hilarious...if you only knew.


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