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movie recommendation chain

Dr. Sacrebleu

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Thehuddle has the best advice anywhere on the internets.

I thought it would be interesting to test the collective brain of the huddle in terms of recommending movies. The idea is for each poster to respond to the previous post in a "if you liked ------, you might be interested in -------" A little like Netflix might do it, but this would be using huddlers as a database.

One movie recommendation per post. Wait until one other recommendation before making another. I'll kick it off. Would be interested to see where the chain leads


If you liked

District 9, a science fiction movie that has a really interesting plot line (alien culture lives in refugee shanty towns around Johannesburg, and are an 'immigrant problem') a real human element, and strong acting. Though it inevitably has a bit of a 'car chase end' like almost all science fiction movies, every step of the way it is smarter than most such movies, less forced, and less reliant on overacting, too clever by a half sets, and special effects. All the blowing up and gunfights (don't worry there is enough to keep the bloodlusty interested) fit in nicely with the plot. It draws parallels to the immigrant plight without being preachy and didactic (the aliens aren't all poor victims, most of them are filthy subhumans, and the humans are not machiavelian animals (some are, some aren't, some are in between, like in real life)). Visually filmed looking like a collection of documentary footage, interviews, and a mix of pure inventive sci-fi stuff


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Moon - Sam Rockwell is ending a 3-yr stint manning a space station...but all is not as it seems. Is Rockwell cracking up, or is there something more insidious afoot?



There are lots of parallels here to other movies, but one of the more interesting ones is Cast Away - Rockwell is, for all intents and purposes, the ONLY actor on the screen for about 99.9% of the run time.


But this movie sticks to the definition of "pure" science fiction, which is how advances in technology directly affect the human race.

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If you liked

District 9,

You might like

Children of Men, which is set in England in the year 2027, two decades after humanity became seemingly infertile and unable to reproduce. England is the sole country still maintaining a semblence of civilization, although at the expense of refugees upon whom inhumane immigration restrictions are placed. The plot focuses on an attempt of a somewhat anti-government group to sneak a (somehow) pregnant African woman to an offshore location where a group of scientists is working to cure human infertility.

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Moon - Sam Rockwell is ending a 3-yr stint manning a space station...but all is not as it seems. Is Rockwell cracking up, or is there something more insidious afoot?


Sunshine....a Danny Boyle film about a team of astronauts flying into our dying sun in an effort to re-ignite it. Kind of a more talky version of Alien or the HAL sequences of 2001, but very good regardless.

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Children of Men, which is set in England in the year 2027, two decades after humanity became seemingly infertile and unable to reproduce. England is the sole country still maintaining a semblence of civilization, although at the expense of refugees upon whom inhumane immigration restrictions are placed. The plot focuses on an attempt of a somewhat anti-government group to sneak a (somehow) pregnant African woman to an offshore location where a group of scientists is working to cure human infertility.


Such an amazing film. One of the best movies of the last decade, easy.

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Sunshine....a Danny Boyle film about a team of astronauts flying into our dying sun in an effort to re-ignite it. Kind of a more talky version of Alien or the HAL sequences of 2001, but very good regardless.



I liked it, but it was a bit uneven....apparently due to conflict between Boyle and some other big gun on set - one wanted an atheistic theme, the other wanted to affirm belief in a higher power.


Still, I'd pretty well watch anything Danny Boyle made.

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