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Police State?


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What if they are not?

But who gets to make that call?


The problem with yours and others (false) beliefs on this matter, is that NOBODY on this planet is God. Nobody definitively has the "right" answer. Nobody can absolutely say what's best for YOU. You and others may "think" you know what's best but the truth is you may or may not know and as a human born with the same God-given rights as everyone else, I'd rather make my own decisions for myself and family and not be punished if I make a bad decision.


I'd rather let 10,000 murderers roam free if it means one of them is innocent rather than jail all of them knowing one is innocent. It's not your call, Obama's call or anyone else's call on what's the "right" way to live - you should only be in control of your own life style. That's why the only line to be drawn is when you intentionally harm others. Bottom line, end of discussion.

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But who gets to make that call?


The problem with yours and others (false) beliefs on this matter, is that NOBODY on this planet is God. Nobody definitively has the "right" answer. Nobody can absolutely say what's best for YOU. You and others may "think" you know what's best but the truth is you may or may not know and as a human born with the same God-given rights as everyone else, I'd rather make my own decisions for myself and family and not be punished if I make a bad decision.


I'd rather let 10,000 murderers roam free if it means one of them is innocent rather than jail all of them knowing one is innocent. It's not your call, Obama's call or anyone else's call on what's the "right" way to live - you should only be in control of your own life style. That's why the only line to be drawn is when you intentionally harm others. Bottom line, end of discussion anarchy.


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Nah, I don't believe in the boogie man. If you believe that most people are inherently good - and I do - then you must conclude that any negative association to a social structure that promotes little or no government has only been created as a defense mechanism to prevent that result (anarchy).


Take out all the dummying down of the masses and all the intended influence we've been indoctrinated with and start with a clean mental state - so now with everything equal, why would you assume that humans need the guidance of a select few in order to thrive and survive? We don't and the very notion is just a meme. Give yourself and all of us more credit than that. I'll be the first to admit that most people are ignorant but that ignorance was planted essentially. All things equal, we can achieve great things as a species and we don't need equals setting rules and parameters to follow. There should be one basic rule (law) among humans and that simply is the Golden Rule.

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The Shepherd was put on this earth to lead his sheep. You see, the sheep have not much in the

the way of brains, therefore, the sheep need to be guided through their daily existence.

The Shepherd says the sheep shall have no tats, so the sheep must comply.

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Nah, I don't believe in the boogie man. If you believe that most people are inherently good - and I do


And there is your problem. After 72 hours without food and water, people become dangerous. It happens faster when they have other people to care for (young, old, sick).

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Brentastic, read this and get back to us.


Love Leviathan! I think of Hobbes' words often as I read the news and even these boards: "Language is the power whereby man may present evil as good and good as evil." - loose paraphrase, but it has stuck with me for 23 years now. His comparison of man to truly cooperative species like bees is great.

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