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Garden 2012

Chief Dick

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Zucchini and squash were abundant for 2 months, dead now.


same story with mine - I planted one from seed on Sunday and its already broken through in five days - heres hoping for a late summer bonanza as I am zuchinied out for now.


My egg plants peppers and tomatoes are looking really good - no viable fruits yet but they are looking really good

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Zucchini and squash were abundant for 2 months, dead now. Tomatoes were looking GLORIOUS and setting a lot of fruit, about three weeks ago, even with watering, they have shriveled up and died. Of the 26 tomaotes I planted only 5 are still viable. Peppers, all sorts, are going absolutely nuts and have so much fruit on them that I am losing some smaller limbs. I have had to cull some of the mid-size and small peppers to keep the plants in tact. Corn is about to be ready, but has taken 5 weeks from tassel to really develop the kernel, seems like a long time as the tassels on the outside have been black for about 3 weeks. Cantaloupe are putting out a lot of vines but a moderate amount of fruit, I have picked 5 this week, the first was bland the other two I have cut have been delicious. The watermelon are doing the same dance as the cantaloupe. THough, with the torrential rains this week, two have split prematurely. Okra is being attacked by something big that is eating the leaves off. Beans, pinto and green, have done nothing but turn yellow and die. Radishes were planted too late and never did well. The cucumbers, well, only two seeds germinated, produced nothing. I have been an utter failure this year...


No eggplant? Racist.

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Just harvested 10 artichokes last night and they were fantastic! Just about ready to get a bunch of habaneros and jalepenos so I can start making some salsa and sauces. We may be having a couple of eggplants tonight with some zucchini and a side of squirrel! (little bastard was eating my tomatoes and chasing my birds.

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Just harvested 10 artichokes last night and they were fantastic! Just about ready to get a bunch of habaneros and jalepenos so I can start making some salsa and sauces. We may be having a couple of eggplants tonight with some zucchini and a side of squirrel! (little bastard was eating my tomatoes and chasing my birds.



I've put up 15 Pints of Jalapenos, 12 Pints of Banana Peppers and 10 Pints of Tabasco, and 8 pints of salsa. The tabasco are hooooootttttttt...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm drowning in tomatoes and loving it. :tup:



Yeah, mine are starting to come in. It looks like the lack of sun is actually helping me this year in that my plants aren't getting roasted by the 105 degree temps we've had for the last 2 weeks.


Plus, my neighbor gave me some tomato fertilizer he had, and it's transformed all the flowering I was getting into tomatos. Apparently my soil is missing some key nutrients, which doesn't surprise me considering all the ammending I've had to do.

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