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draft 11th


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my league scoring is as follows.

QB 1pt - 25 yds passing 6pts TD

RB 1pt- 10 rush/recieving

WR 1pt- 10 rec/rush

TE 2pt - 25 recieving


i draft 11 out of 12. the guy with the #2 pick is looking to trade down. any suggestions for a proposal. i am thinking maybe move up and take peyton manning here. or should i stay put and go RB/RB then maybe gonzo/ WR is that a bad strategy?i have a feeling deuce mcallister will be here along with another quality back like rudi or domanick davis. any input will be appreciated

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my league scoring is as follows.

QB 1pt - 25 yds passing 6pts TD

RB 1pt- 10 rush/recieving

WR 1pt- 10 rec/rush

TE 2pt - 25 recieving


i draft 11 out of 12. the guy with the #2 pick is looking to trade down. any suggestions for a proposal. i am thinking maybe move up and take peyton manning here. or should i stay put and go RB/RB then maybe gonzo/ WR is that a bad strategy?i have a feeling deuce mcallister will be here along with another quality back like rudi or domanick davis. any input will be appreciated






Would Culpepper last until 11? If you could get a stud like Deuce or Davis to go along with C-Pepp, with 6-point QB TDs, that'd be a nice start.


Moving up to #2 might cost you... and what would you be left with at RB with your 2nd pick? Having Manning and a lesser RB doesn't sound as sexy as C-Pepp with Davis, for example.


You could potentially go RB/RB, depending on who's there for you. Hard to say.


Definitely do NOT go Gonzo/WR. You MUST get a stud RB to start your team off with.

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Would Culpepper last until 11?  If you could get a stud like Deuce or Davis to go along with C-Pepp, with 6-point QB TDs, that'd be a nice start. 


Moving up to #2 might cost you... and what would you be left with at RB with your 2nd pick?  Having Manning and a lesser RB doesn't sound as sexy as C-Pepp with Davis, for example. 


You could potentially go RB/RB, depending on who's there for you.  Hard to say.


Definitely do NOT go Gonzo/WR.  You MUST get a stud RB to start your team off with.







I've got nothing to add to this sage advice.

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yo mama what would you do in that position? you dont like the QB/ RB? with 6 pt td thats not a bad idea. if i dont draft a QB there i probably will wait till 5th or 6th rounds. would you ever consider WR/WR like moss owens







I wouldn't trade up to the 1.2 spot if it cost me anything extra, that's for sure. I *might* swap my 1.11 and 2.2 for the other guy's 1.2 and 2.11 straight up. But do NOT give anything extra up. In fact, I probably wouldn't be inclined to swap those picks at all until Alexander signs. *If* he plays starting week 1, he's worth a 1.2 pick. If there are any questions marks, your best off keeping your existing draft position, which I like a lot this year. (With your 3rd and 4th round picks you're pretty much guaranteed an opportunity for one of the stud rookie RB, and/or your choice of one of the hot #2 WRs, like Clayton, Burleson, D-Jax, and maybe Wayne or Andre Johnson).


Yes, I do like the idea of grabbing a QB like Culpepper with one of your first two picks under your scoring system. However, just because he is there at 1.11 doesn't mean you should snag him. You've got to evaluate the RB talent available at 1.11, because it is guaranteed that the guy at 1.12 will draft one - maybe two - RB. So if someone like Jamal Lewis, Edge, Holmes, Julius Jones, and maybe Dom. Davis is available at 1.11, I think you take the best RB available and gamble that Culpepper will be there at 2.2. (If he is, super. If he isn't, that means the guy at 2.12 may have left a superior RB for you to draft at 2.2). I'd only go for Moss or Owens at 2.2 if Culpepper or a superior RB were not available. And under no circumstances would I draft Moss *and* Owens with my first two picks.


So, if you go:

- RB/QB at 1.11 and 2.2, then you can go RB/WR, or RB/RB after that.

- RB/RB at 1.11 and 2.2 then you can go WR/WR, or RB/WR after that. (You're pretty much forced to wait until at least the 5th to draft a QB in this scenario).

- RB/WR at 1.11 and 2.2, then you should go RB/RB if the talent is available. If not, just go RB/WR and just fill out your starting line up as best as possible. (Again, wait until at least the 5th to draft a QB in this scenario).

Edited by yo mama
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thanks yo mama i appreciate your insight.







Another consideration under your scoring system: what are the odds that Manning is available at 1.2? There has been much debate about whether he ought to be drafted that early, but in a league that awards 6pts per passing TD, the case is much stronger for doing so. If that is something you'd be comfortable with *and* you can simply swap your first THREE rounds with the guy at 1.2, you might want to at least look at doing that. The RB quality at at 2.11 and 3.2 should be good enough for you to field a competitive team with Manning at the helm. However, I wouldn't do it if you could only swap the first two rounds because the RB #2 quality at 3.2 woulud be a little better relative to your existing 3.11.

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