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Please accept Jesus as your lord and savior


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Since we're getting a bunch of traffic in here with people posting their drafts, I thought it would be a good place to post this.


We all go through trying times, especially this time of year while we're laying out our plans for the fantasy football season. But during these times we don't need to lose track of what is most important in our lives, no, not beer and football... Jesus.


I can hear you guys now, when Hightower fell to you at 5-10, "thank you, Jesus" or when the guy in front of you took Mendenhall at 1-06, "g..dammit". This seems to be the only time that these names are mentioned during this time of year... It seems that Jesus is merely cast aside as you chase down glory in your FF league. Jesus is cast aside on Sunday while you sin, consuming copious amounts of alcohol, while praising mere mortals on the field rather than singing the praises of Jesus in a hous of worship. You would rather share the comradery of drunks and hooligans, than rejoice in the house of our blessed savior, Jesus Christ.


I encourage all of you at some point during this season to set aside your Sundays and revel in his glory rather than reveling in the miscarriage that is the NFL. For Sunday is the lords day and should be treated as such.


Also, I encourage you to write to comissioner Goddell and firmly request that the NFL change it's format to a Saturday schedule so that it does not interfere with your worship of God and his son, Jesus Christ.


I do wish all of you the best in your season this year, but encourage you to place more of an emphasis on worshipping God and our savior Jesus Christ on the sabath rather than reveling in our earthly delight that is the NFL.

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He seems like a nice enough kid, but I just don't think he's the answer for the Broncos.... But if it's what I must do to save my soul, I will root for Tebow at least once this season.


May he turn turnovers into TDs, heal ACLs, and absolve Orton of his redzone sins. Amen.


Pulling for Tebow will not get you closer to God.


I have spoken with him and he does have quite a bit of an issue with playing on the Sabbath, we prayed over it and he told me that it may be a good thing, though, as it does give him a stage from which to encourage people to embrace our lord and savior Jesus Christ. It will give him the opportunity to turn people on to our savior on the sabbath and at the end of the day, that is what is most important, is that our lord and savior Jesus Christ is at the forefront on Sunday.


You need to turn your soul over to the lord God and to the Savior Jesus Christ, this is the only way to assure that you will reap the benefits of heaven and the blessings of our creator.

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I'm really hoping this is a joke...if it's not, here's the deal:


I'm totally okay with you being a religious person, and your beliefs are your own. I also have no right to tell you not to ask others to share your beliefs, even if it gets under my skin when people try to push their religion on others. That said, an online fantasy football forum is not an appropriate forum for this. Neither is my front doorstep. (*cough*Jehova's Witnesses accosted me when I went to get my mail yesterday*cough*) At the very least, this should be moved to some sort of general discussion part of the boards, but really this kind of preaching has no place in a fantasy football advice thread...

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I'm really hoping this is a joke...if it's not, here's the deal:


I'm totally okay with you being a religious person, and your beliefs are your own. I also have no right to tell you not to ask others to share your beliefs, even if it gets under my skin when people try to push their religion on others. That said, an online fantasy football forum is not an appropriate forum for this. Neither is my front doorstep. (*cough*Jehova's Witnesses accosted me when I went to get my mail yesterday*cough*) At the very least, this should be moved to some sort of general discussion part of the boards, but really this kind of preaching has no place in a fantasy football advice thread...

:wacko: It's a joke, he is not religious.

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This is the kind of thread with 9 replies? I ask a serious question an hour ago and still got a bubble. :wacko:



Your thread had far from enough information to be able to provide any sort of thought out advice. You don't mention if you have any other keepers, if there is a cost to keep a player, what pick you have, what other player's are being kept or lineup requirements. These are all pertinent details to make an informed decision o provide any sort of advice in a who do i keep thread. As your post was missing all of these items, it has been largely ignored.

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I'm really hoping this is a joke...if it's not, here's the deal:


I'm totally okay with you being a religious person, and your beliefs are your own. I also have no right to tell you not to ask others to share your beliefs, even if it gets under my skin when people try to push their religion on others. That said, an online fantasy football forum is not an appropriate forum for this. Neither is my front doorstep. (*cough*Jehova's Witnesses accosted me when I went to get my mail yesterday*cough*) At the very least, this should be moved to some sort of general discussion part of the boards, but really this kind of preaching has no place in a fantasy football advice thread...



Fish on and u caught a whopper!!

Edited by Sunday Couch Potatoe
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