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Pool Vegas Qualifier this weekend


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My APA 9-Ball team is in the Las Vegas qualifier this weekend in lovely Dundalk MD, pretty close to Baltimore. If we win 3 matches before we lose 2 our team wins $5K and paid hotel and airfare to Las Vegas for the Nationals in August. I haven't been playing very long, 3 years, but have never been on a team that has qualified. I have been on 2 teams that have made it down to the last match and lost, hopefully we can win 3 this weekend and get it over with. If we lose any match this weekend we have to come back the weekend of July 8th which is a major problem for our team. Our captain has his daughter getting married that day and I have my daughters 1st birthday party that day as well.


Wish us luck and thanks!!!!!!


Edit to add: Cliaz come on down, I know this isn't far from your house. I might even buy you a :D

Edited by T_bone65
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we went last year for the 8 ball tourney and made it thru a few rounds and had a blast. good luck and I hope you do well in the qualifier



that's awesome. My team captain owns the pool hall I shoot at and he goes with no less then 3 different teams every year. I just want to be able to say I made it once, that is what you play for all year.

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