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Another Katrina


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When you talk about cost benifit analysis, are you going to factor in the cost of when this happens again, because it will happen agian.


A storm hadn't hit New Orleans in like 20 years pre-Katrina. Or atleast one worthy. We have time to protect it, the right way, now. I don't think the Gubamint should rebuild my house per say but I do think it should help clean up debris. Fix the infrastructure. Help rebuild economy.


I could be wrong, but I think a lot of the State & Local road projects and such are federally subsidized.


Once again you focus only on the drawbacks of rebuilding New Orleans, yet New Orleans was far from being the only one hit by the storm. I'll be honest I really can't say if, financially, New Orleans is worthy of being rebuilt. Nor the rest of the Gulf Coast for that matter...but neither can you. But I can say that the entire region was an economy on the verge of a boom. I would hope that someone(s) with heck of a lot more economic saavy than you or I is the one to make that decision. I can say though without a doubt that there is a lot more to be lost than dollars & cents by not rebuilding the Gulf Coast. But, again, I hope that it's corporate America that sees the value in rebuilding & not just the Govt. At least I know in Biloxi they know that to be the case & HUGE plans are in the works which should help our entire regions economy. But, right now, on a smaller level there are still thousands of people that I spoke of before who want to rebuild their homes, who want to get their lives back, who desparately want to get some semblance of normalcy back in their lives, but the means are just not there. Is it their fault for living here? Maybe you could argue that, but is there anywhere that you can live & be free of natural disaster? I've already pointed out the loophole that the insurance companies are using to get out of paying. Who is going to buy flood insurance when they are told they don't live in a flood zone & they don't need it? What do you do when you say you want it anyway & are denied because you don't live in a flood zone? Everyone that has lived here all their lives remembers, what we thought to be, the storm of all storms Camille. It was engrained in our way of life here. The stories were told about the waters coming in & the death & destruction it caused. Most of us here have been through storms. Bad ones like Camille, Frederick, Elena & George and those of us who had thought we'd seen and survived the worst. But this is something that nobody foresaw or could have in my experienced opinion and I've heard the same from the"experts". So, to imply that we asked for it, that we should have known it would happen or that we should have been better prepared and it's our own fault we were not is so completely wrong on so many levels.




This is a very very good point. Of course just like with anything, it's easy to say "I told you so" now. I do respect what other Americans think about the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast and N.O., but at the same time, unless you have lived here, or spent extensive time here, there are many things that they could not understand and quite frankly "don't know what they are talking about" for a lack of better words. Of course the majority of the news coverage was on N.O., and yes it is below sea level, etc., but as rajn mentioned this was an unprecedented storm, and NO ONE and I mean NO ONE knew what it was going to bring. There were areas in MS flooded that have not seen "flood waters" in over 100 years or EVER for that matter. To say "We knew better" and "I told you so" now....please. :D Argue all you want about the politics and govt. matters involved, but please stay away from pretending like you know what REALLY happened here. Pictures and video can say a thousand words, but in Katrina's case...what you all saw on T.V. was like watching Chris Berman blow through highlights of a football game. There was so much more that happened and the impact is far deeper than you all know. It's not just political, not just economical. People's lives were changed, FOREVER. It's not just a stupid cliche' to people on the Gulf Coast.




Very good stuff from two guys that beat that bisch. :D

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Again, I want to reiterate. Balla & the rest of us are not here looking for dontations, we are not asking for a handout, we ARE NOT a welfare case and to be considered as such is quite an insult to most of us. The Huddle has done more than it's fair share. Something those of us affected greatly appeciate. All Balla is trying to do is raise awareness that even though it isn't hardly seen in the media anymore unless it's to talk about what kind of trouble the displaced thugs are causing or how the system has been taken advantage of, we are still here and we are still a community in need of help. He's only trying to point out that our country, as a whole, is quickly forgetting that. And now more & more, the only publicity we are getting is negative brought about by the minority(no racial undertones intended) and that is affecting those of us who just want our lives back by diminishing the will to support our cause.


I saw it well put in fellow Saints fans sig..."We are not looking for a handout...only a hand-up."

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Again, I want to reiterate. Balla & the rest of us are not here looking for dontations, we are not asking for a handout, we ARE NOT a welfare case and to be considered as such is quite an insult to most of us.



Rajn, I realize that this is personal isuue for you, but Spain and H8 are fishing; you and Balla just aren't used to being on the other side of it. The only people seriously claiming that the govt. shouldn't play some role are a few Megan Foxie newbs and Perch. Now granted, Perch has a 155 IQ and knows everything; plus his brothers mother sisters cousin is the authority on re-development of cities after natural disasters who taught Perch the truth so he actually is the expert now. So, just relax and drink a tall glass of purified water (make sure to take some mineral supplements so vitamins aren't leeched from your body) and don't get too worked up about those so far seperated from the complexity of the situation.

Edited by bushwacked
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I saw it well put in fellow Saints fans sig..."We are not looking for a handout...only a hand-up."



Have you or are you planning on going to Millsaps to watch spring training? A couple friends of mine are going but...being a Patties fan and all :D




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Rajn, I realize that this is personal isuue for you, but Spain and H8 are fishing; you and Balla just aren't used to being on the other side of it. The only people seriously claiming that the govt. shouldn't play some role are a few Megan Foxie newbs and Perch. Now granted, Perch has a 155 IQ and knows everything; plus his brothers mother sisters cousin is the authority on re-development of cities after natural disasters who taught Perch the truth so he actually is the expert now. So, just relax and drink a tall glass of purified water (make sure to take some mineral supplements so vitamins aren't leeched from your body) and don't get too worked up about those so far seperated from the complexity of the situation.


:D Believe me, I've been here well long enough to know a Spain fishing trip when I see one. I also know just how to take his over-the-top approach to subjects in the Tailgate. However, ther is a lot of truth to what he is saying. I completely understand & sympathize with what they're saying. They are tired, as I am, of seeing their hard-earned tax dollars keeping this country in poverty & ignorance. I don't want to see those people get more welfare either. I just want them to realize that's not what anybody here is asking for.


Have you or are you planning on going to Millsaps to watch spring training? A couple friends of mine are going but...being a Patties fan and all :D



Man, I wish. Not sure how I could sell that one to the Mrs tho. She just started a new career path this week(teaching 1st graders) & neither of us have the time to get away. I wouldn't want to stress her out any more with having to watch the girls by herself along with her new job.
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Why couldn't welfare and relief be privatized by religious organizations? Instead of FEMA providing temp. homes, money, and whatever else they do. The Church seems to be well suited to dispense charity. I don't mean providing unemployment aid but they'd operate soley on donations and federal grants. Get rid of the welfare system. I know this is a vague and broad question but I'd like to hear some rebuttles to why this couldn't werk.



Get rid of welfare and reduce FEMA:


Intice churches to provide food and deliver charity...basically...no more welfare checks just clothes, food, water, toiletries, etc.

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Why couldn't welfare and relief be privatized by religious organizations? Instead of FEMA providing temp. homes, money, and whatever else they do. The Church seems to be well suited to dispense charity. I don't mean providing unemployment aid but they'd operate soley on donations and federal grants. Get rid of the welfare system. I know this is a vague and broad question but I'd like to hear some rebuttles to why this couldn't werk.

Get rid of welfare and reduce FEMA:


Intice churches to provide food and deliver charity...basically...no more welfare checks just clothes, food, water, toiletries, etc.



If you are talking about traditional welfare, we have seriously scaled it back in the last decade. It is a very minor portion of our budget.


If yer talking about FEMA, which is not welfare, what in the world are you talking about? The reason the federal response to Katrina was so pathetic is because this admin did scale back FEMA. We need a strong federal agency to handle disasters beyond the scope of local government.


Chruches take over government social services programs? Are you insane?

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If you are talking about traditional welfare, we have seriously scaled it back in the last decade. It is a very minor portion of our budget.


If yer talking about FEMA, which is not welfare, what in the world are you talking about? The reason the federal response to Katrina was so pathetic is because this admin did scale back FEMA. We need a strong federal agency to handle disasters beyond the scope of local government.


Chruches take over government social services programs? Are you insane?





I was primarially talking about welfare but I was thinking about a portion of the roles that FEMA plays: food distribution and basic living supplies to be handled by a non-profit group, ie: churches, Red Cross, etc. I don't mean evacuating people or search and rescue.

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Why couldn't welfare and relief be privatized by religious organizations? Instead of FEMA providing temp. homes, money, and whatever else they do. The Church seems to be well suited to dispense charity. I don't mean providing unemployment aid but they'd operate soley on donations and federal grants. Get rid of the welfare system. I know this is a vague and broad question but I'd like to hear some rebuttles to why this couldn't werk.

Get rid of welfare and reduce FEMA:


Intice churches to provide food and deliver charity...basically...no more welfare checks just clothes, food, water, toiletries, etc.



It used to be that way, before the government started taxing the hell out of everyone and took prayer out of schools.


Seriously it used to be that way. The government did very little to rebuild Galveston in the early 1900's. Now, unfortunately people depend on the government for everything.

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It used to be that way, before the government started taxing the hell out of everyone and took prayer out of schools.


Seriously it used to be that way. The government did very little to rebuild Galveston in the early 1900's. Now, unfortunately people depend on the government for everything.




I guess the topic transition killed the intrest. TypIkal.

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