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Trade Deadline Approaching!


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I think I need to make a move for a WR. I'm trying to get a WR for a RB from the team who just lost Portis. Offered him Jones-Drew for R.Williams. A fair trade, right? He keeps counter offering me for C.Taylor or J.Jones for R.Williams. He needs a 3rd RB to start. Should I stick with my guns or offer him Jones or Taylor? He also has R.Wayne, is Jones or Taylor worth that? Or should I just stay put with my team for the playoffs?


We start 3 RB's and 2 WR's.




Chad Johnson

Jerricho Cotchery

Kevin Curtis

Matt Jones


Willie Parker

Julius Jones

Chester Taylor

Maurice Jones-Drew

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Personally if you can get R.Williams/Wayne for Jones-Drew, JJones or Taylor...take it and run.....


I have Jones-Drew, and JJones and the best I could get was Galloway (wanted Boldin or DJackson).


It would leave you with out a backup RB but Curtis is hit or miss and Matt Jones isn't worth starting regularly either. Cotchery is an ok 2, nice #3.


Good Luck, Check out my post.

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Personally if you can get R.Williams/Wayne for Jones-Drew, JJones or Taylor...take it and run.....


I have Jones-Drew, and JJones and the best I could get was Galloway (wanted Boldin or DJackson).


It would leave you with out a backup RB but Curtis is hit or miss and Matt Jones isn't worth starting regularly either. Cotchery is an ok 2, nice #3.


Good Luck, Check out my post.



I agree thats a good deal jump on it...good luck

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Personally, I don't like Reggie or Roy Williams the rest of the season. Now, Maurice-Drew Jones has an excellent schedule coming up. I think the other team would get the better of the deal if you give up MDJones to get Williams. I'd try to get Reggie Wayne. I'd keep C Taylor since after this week he has some real nice matchups. To mention - I have Chester Taylor, but I made sure I got M Moore too - just in case something happens to C Taylor with the great schedule coming up.


I may be wrong - just my thoughts. Good luck!


Thanks for answering my question!

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