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Who here has had General Anesthesia?

Pope Flick

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I've been put under twice that I can remember, once for wisdom teeth extraction and once for a hernia repair. Neither case I had issues with. With my wisdom teeth I was gassed and went out pretty quickly. I remember coming to very vaguely, the ride home stopping at McD's for a milkshake slightly more, and then really waking up several hours later.


With my hernia, I was taken back to the operating room that seemed to have been kept at about -35 degrees. I was freezing with just the tiny hospital gown on and since it was a hernia operation, there wasn't a whole lot else to keep me warm. I remember the doc saying I would start to feel warm all over and sure enough, as soon as the meds hit my IV it felt like it was the middle of summer on a sunny beach. A few seconds later I was out.


Neither instance do I remember any types of dreams while I was out.

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Well...things went well, and Lm shcoked at how smooth this went. I got stitched up and was awake and remebering conversation with 35-40 minutes.


I never got the countdown, as they juiced me up before wheeling me into the OR and all I remember was a hallway.


BTW-that post a few above that was my reply to dmarc was not a joke. I now have a 4 inch scar on my neck beginning just below my left ear. I'm even more badass than before. The cyst was 7 cm long and about 5 around. :D

I'm glad that everything went well for you. :wacko:


That was one bigass cyst!!!!! :D

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I'm glad that everything went well for you. :D


That was one bigass cyst!!!!! :D



It had been stable for some time, but after the surgery was scheduled it took off again.


I'm frankly still in shock at how good I feel thus far (knock on wood) - modern US medicine is no joke.

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A few years back I was put under to take the ole camera in the pooter... wife tells me that as I am coming to in the recovery room I kept asking nurses if the liked my arse (They did of course) and then I started laughing very loudly when the woman in the recovery area next to me kept farting quite loudly. She had the same procedure as me so apparently I was ripping away too.

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