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Who here has had General Anesthesia?

Pope Flick

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I have...nothing to be scared of...you probably won't make it past 99...then you wake up after some intense dreaming and voila, all better...



SO there is dreaming?


I had it for wisdom teeth removal and it was a complete black out. Then again, I was 16 and too ignorant to be scared, or maybe this is jsut a little knowledge makes me dangerous thing?

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I have...nothing to be scared of...you probably won't make it past 99...then you wake up after some intense dreaming and voila, all better...



I have to agree with this statement... I tried to get past 98 but didn't make it past 99....You just wake up. I don't remember dreaming though...


What are you having done??

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I have...nothing to be scared of...you probably won't make it past 99...then you wake up after some intense dreaming and voila, all better...


Good information.


Depending on what type of surgery you have, you might wake up and immediately feel tired and go back to sleep. Shock from the operation, you see.


Tip for the OR: Don't stare at the huge light.

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I've had it a couple of times. Just when you think they are going to start and you are still awake, it's nighty night.time. Woke up with a headache and a craving for a cold Bud, had to settle for OJ instead


anestesia must really alter your sense of taste!

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Had it when they took my wisdom teeth... thought it was pretty cool actually. Kinda freaky though how it seems to be instantaneous when you finally wake up. It wasn't like a normal sleep where you can kind of guage the passage of time.

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3 times. The biggest hurt is when they put the arm catheter in and it's not bad at all. I've had worse skeeter bites. 100...9......out! No dreams. The only time I had a problem is when they were waking me up and I still had the nose tube in or something. I heard the the nurse yell "Put him back under!". :D

No worries, Pope!


OH....and BTW Yuke..........putting yourself under General Anesthesia doesn't count! :D

Edited by rocknrobn26
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Used to be an Assistant Anesthesiologist and it is amazing the number of different reactions that people have during recovery and during the surgery. It usually takes more to knock out a heavy drinker/drug user... that's why they have all those questions prior to going into surgery.

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I've had 3 knee surgeries. Every time they doped me in the hallway outside the OR. only once do I remember even being pushed to the OR. After the first surgery I woke up in the recovery chair in a lot of pain, the gave me some lovely opiate derived pain killer and I woke up in my bed. the only prob I had after that was going to the bathroom with out telling my nurse first. The second one I had absolutely no problems and went home that afternoon. My last one was in February and I am told the only problem I had was I tried to take a swing at the doc wrapping up my leg as I was coming out of it.

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They gave valium before both of my operation....I didn't have care in the world. Now waking up after anesthesia is a different story Makes me sicker than hell, couldn't eat or drink for about 48 hours.

No valium for me, but the anesthesia made me sicker than hell afterwards. I didn't even get to the countdown part before I was out.


My son also was put under with anesthesia (for the same procedure I was put out for), but he didn't get sick at all after coming out of it.

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