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A. Peterson for LT straight up?


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12 team league, 6 pts for TD, 1 pt per 20 yards, no PPR, no dynasty or keeper


He wants to give me LT for Peterson straight up. Currently i'm tied for first in the league and hes 8th in a 12 man league.


My RB's as of now:

A. Peterson





I can do 3 each week with the flex.


He tossed out the idea yesterday and I thought it would be a great idea, but now that AD went off today i'm starting to wonder if I should even do this. He has no other guys on his team that I would consider trading for. I feel like I'd gain some consistency with LT, as i'm still stinging from AP's 70 yard outing last week. I'm clueless on this one. Maybe i'm just enamored by the though of starting LJ, LT, and Edge/Lynch. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.


I'll reply to yours if you reply to mine.

Edited by fathazam
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I agree that AP is more feast or famine than LT, but I wouldn't make this trade right now. AP has solidified himself as the #1 RB in Minnesota. All things being equal, I like AP's schedule more than LT's down the stretch as well. If he really wants AP that badly, maybe he can sweeten the deal.

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If you are set for the playoffs, I may make this trade. LT plays DET and DEN at home in weeks 15 and 16. I have LT and was considering a trade for AP, but for that very reason, I am keeping him.


FWIW, I'm not sure I'd consider the Lions' run D an easy matchup these days.

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I just made this trade last week and was catchign heat for making an inside trade. I told all the complaining memebers the trade i had made was fair both ways....the other player got AP, fargas, cotchery,deangello williams....now im sitting here with a sad face as i gave up WAY to much.......Ap for Lt is straight and i think Lt can only get better from here on out. Eventaully SD will realize when they dont run the man 20+ times they have little chance of winning. Needless to say yesterday was a long day and this week will be even longer as i continue to get posts via message board at what a moron i am fro trading AP.

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My thought was that he would hit the rookie wall as well. While i don't want to change a whole lot as i'm in first, I don't feel I shouldn't make a beneficial move just because of that. I'm still debating it really, I wish there was a definite yes or no on this one. Thanks for the continued advice all.


Also, in our league the playoffs is one week , week 17. Its only a small pot for that. The big money goes to the regular season winner with the best record. I'm more interested in that then the playoff week win.

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PETERSON playoff wk 14,15,16 @ San Fran, Chi, Was


LT @Tenn, Det Den


it's pretty much a wash BUT we know that San Diego might not even make the playoffs this year, unlike the past few years where they were locked into the playoffs and rested LT and don't forget TURNER (can't remember is he injured??)



if it were me i would just stick with what you got, your in 1st place WHY mess with it, if it ain't broken??????

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----------------LT will also catch more passes and we know AP won't have another game like that, i hope he don't atleast when he goes against me.


HECK WITH ALL THOSE RB'S try improving your WR's or QB.........


He wants to give me LT for Peterson straight up. Currently i'm tied for first in the league and hes 8th in a 12 man league.


My RB's as of now:

A. Peterson





I can do 3 each week with the flex.


He tossed out the idea yesterday and I thought it would be a great idea, but now that AD went off today i'm starting to wonder if I should even do this. He has no other guys on his team that I would consider trading for. I feel like I'd gain some consistency with LT, as i'm still stinging from AP's 70 yard outing last week. I'm clueless on this one. Maybe i'm just enamored by the though of starting LJ, LT, and Edge/Lynch. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.


I'll reply to yours if you reply to mine.

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My league is a bunch of old guys who for the most part will not trade no matter what the offer and don't even respond to trades, there is 3 of us who do trades maybe. None of them have a QB I would desire, the only QB's I would trade for are named Brady, Peyton, and Romo. Otherwise I'm fine with big ben. As far as wide receivers go i'm pretty good in that area too as I only play 1 WR a week when I'm playing 3 RB's a week. (I also play A. Gates every week as well).


I'm leaning towards keeping AP right now as it seems like the smart move albeit a higher variance move. I think it's just the name LT that is making me question myself. Plus in our league before this weekend, AP had 6 more points than LT. After this pass weekend you can do the math. Standing Pat.



I'm going to start trying to talk him into LJ and 1 other guy on my team for LT. That would be a stunner if I can pull that off.

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