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Snowing in Texas

Grits and Shins

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Those homeless that died in Texas were from northern states. They came down here on vacation.

Booyah. So they were

1. Not people because they were homeless

2. From up north anyways.


And this concludes the dark comedy hour...


Edited by piratesownninjas
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I've never had weather stop me from going to work... Every 2-3 years we get a nice little ice storm and that's never stopped me, nor has the flash flooding or any of the other non-sense...


What is the point? Why would I risk damage to my vehicle and possibly bodily injury to drive into the office? And when you consider that drive times double, triple or quadruple how exactly is that a good use of my time?


I don't know about you but it doesn't seem like a very wise decision to drive to the office when you consider those factors, especially when I can just as easily work from home. But I guess if you are worried about perfect attendance then by all means be one of the idiots on the road.

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