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Snowing in Texas

Grits and Shins

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Fellas - we had about 6-8 inches Tuesday night, fairly mild the rest of Wednesday so the roads cleared off for the most part. Cold today (around 20ish), and now we're supposed to get 3-4 inches during the day tomorrow and 3-4 inches on top of that Friday night and in to Saturday.


F'ing sucks. True dat. Will this winter never end?

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That's the truth. Wife is heading home in the snow. She said the roads are clear but everyone is driving 15 mph. We Texans tend to freak out when we see the white stuff. He handle heavy storms and tornados much better.

I remember one year down in New Orleans they were expecting about 2 inches of snow and the entire city literally shut down for the afternoon. The snow never came but I always got a good laugh out of that while I was living down there.

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Just said may have 4 to 6" where I live. I had on shorts yesterday. It snowed Monday, Sheesh...

My route is from Allen to Greenville Ave in Dallas and it was getting rough around noon.

I wonder if they'll want me out in my company van tomorrow... If they do I'm going to have fun driving all over the roads...

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i got word our office in dallas was shutting down early today, so i sent my dad an email asking how the weather was. he sends me back an email saying that all three of them (him, stepmom, black lab) are home early, curled up in front of the fireplace....with this picture taken out his front door :wacko::D


the city basically shuts down for THAT?? man, texans are some major pansies.

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i got word our office in dallas was shutting down early today, so i sent my dad an email asking how the weather was. he sends me back an email saying that all three of them (him, stepmom, black lab) are home early, curled up in front of the fireplace....with this picture taken out his front door :D:D


the city basically shuts down for THAT?? man, texans are some major pansies.



My third year from Chicago to Texas had snow in Houston in 1983/4. It was about what was in that picture, and when the debate was settled to keep school open for the day, I'l never forget when they reversed that decision during 2nd period because it hadn't melted yet. :wacko:

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at least 4" at my house right now and still falling though much lighter. And yet I still have to drive my family over to my parents house to celebrate my son's birthday. Thank goodness for 4X4 jeeps.... I hope....

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That's the truth. Wife is heading home in the snow. She said the roads are clear but everyone is driving 15 mph. We Texans tend to freak out when we see the white stuff. He handle heavy storms and tornados much better.


Actually the real problem is that we have a mixture of people on the roads:


Those that believe that there is no weather condition that warrants them slowing down

Those that are scared to death and can go no faster than 5 MPH


So unfortunately no matter how comfortable I am in driving in hazardous conditions and no matter how cautious I might be ... there are enough yahoos out there driving like maniacs as to make it a dangerous proposition to drive in these kind of conditions.


So I left work early today to avoid the traffic nightmare. Tomorrow I believe I will likely work from home.

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Some Texans know how to drive in rough weather. I drove home to Texas from Min/StPaul home two days before Christmas. If you remember there was that big Ice Storm on I 35. I passed about 100 cars in ditches in Missouri and Kansas. It only took me 18 hours to get home which is only 2 hours more than it took when the roads were good on the way up.

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Some Texans know how to drive in rough weather. I drove home to Texas from Min/StPaul home two days before Christmas. If you remember there was that big Ice Storm on I 35. I passed about 100 cars in ditches in Missouri and Kansas. It only took me 18 hours to get home which is only 2 hours more than it took when the roads were good on the way up.



Several years ago my drive home from work took more than 5 hours ... a drive that normally took 30 to 45 minutes. That was brutal.

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You don't hear about Texans dropping and dying from the heat waves in the summer, do you?


from august, last year :wacko:

So far this month, nine people have died from heat-related causes in Tennessee and Missouri each, while four apiece have died in Texas, Oklahoma and Georgia; and one apiece in Alabama, Kentucky and South Carolina. The Missouri Health Department said seven more heat-related deaths had been reported but not yet confirmed.
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