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Insulation Today

The Irish Doggy

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Got 12 inches :wacko: of blown in cellulose up in the attic today bringing our total to ~20. Wow, what a difference. The second floor is finally comfortable on a hot day like today (90+). Previously there was about a 5-7 degree difference between the first and second floors. It'll be nice to decrease our carbon footprint and save a few bucks too. Shoulda done this right when we bought the house.


Ahhh, so cool.

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Nice! I am considering doing that for the condo I am buying next month. The inspector said that the attic needs more insulation. How does the contractor charge for this service? By the square foot? Was it as quick and simple as it appears to be?

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It depends on the amount of material of course. For 12 inches of cellulose, vent baffles, approximately 1000 sq ft, three bids ranged from $800 to $920.


It took them about 2.5 hours. Very easy.


We're looking at foam injection for the walls next. There is already some R8 fiberglass in the walls, but that stuff is pretty thin. I'm hoping they can work with it.

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