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Keeper League Draft Question

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Standard Yahoo scoring, Starters Qb,Rb,Rb,Wr,Wr,Te,Wr/Rb,K.De, Drafting 10th in 12 man league. 1st year as a keeper league been a redraft for about 8 years, same guys and its pretty competitive. You can't keep anyone in the 1st two rds from last year and each player kept costs you two rounds lower from last year. Example a 3rd round last year costs you a 1st this year. Well heres my plan.......


1. Pick 10 Best Rb available

2. Pick 15 Keeper Rb Michael Turner Bye 4

3. Pick 34 Keeper Wr Greg Jennings Bye 5

4. Pick 39 WR

5. Pick 58 Rb

6. Pick 63 Qb

7. Pick 82 Keeper Rb Felix Jones Bye 6

8. Pick 87 Keeper Te Owen Daniels Bye 10

9. Pick 106 Qb

10. Pick 111 Wr

11. Pick 130 Best Player Available

12. Pick 135 Best Player Available

13. Pick 154 Keeper Wr Eddie Royal Bye 7

14. pick 159 Defense

15. Pick 178 Kicker

16. Pick Keeper Dominic Hixon or Kerry Collins? I like Hixon but I may need to keep Collins for a back Qb?Hixon Bye 10/ Collin Bye 7


Not knowing the rest of the league makes it hard, I know but this is what I have to work with any sugestions At 10? Has to be Rb can't gamble and wait until pick 39.

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No way I take a WR with pick 1, gotta be an RB. Felix Jones is VERY risky with Choice and Barber there and his injury last year. And if I do that, I might go WR - WR with picks 4 and 5, then maybe a RB at 6 and save the QB picks until 9 and. Reason for that is I don't think the quality QB you'll get at 6 will be much better that what you get at 9 and 10. Obviously alot of that is specualtion and you'll have to adjust as you see how the draft unfolds.

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As to your question on who to keep at 16, Hixon all the way. Collins is a good NFL QB but as far as FF goes, he doesn't bring a whole lot to the table. For what you can get out of Hixon (who is starting as of now), he's the more consistent pick.

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Would help to know how mnay actual picks there are between your picks (ie, which are taken by keepers) and also who you view as the top RBs and WRs that will be available in the draft

I won't know that information until a week before our draft.(Draft Day 7 Sept 09) but I will definitely bump the post when I get that info. Assuming that no one keeps a third round pick and loses a 1st. I think the first and second round our going to be like a normal redraft league but like you said I won't know until 1 Sept 09 when people show their hand. They must keep 2 from last year as much as 6 max. So until I have that info its like playing Lotto. Thanks Irishpride

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Would help to know how many actual picks there are between your picks (ie, which are taken by keepers) and also who you view as the top RBs and WRs that will be available in the draft


So I figure I have to go RB,RB,WR,WR? Any ideas for draft day would be greatly appreciated......Really concerned with 1st rd, 4th rd,5th rd, 6th rd. As far as Rb's I think will be at 10? Westbrook,Jacobs,Portis,Barber and maybe Jackson?As far as Wr's? Houshmandzadeh in the 4th isn't a stretch....Braylon Edwards,Ochocinco,Colston,Boldin? I'm gonna have to dig deep to get a quality #2 wr in the 4th? Qb is going to be tricky too. I think I'm going to have to use my 5th rounder to get a decent starter......Just my thoughts....



RB's Keeper's




Kevin Smith

Chris Johnson


Fred Jackson

Ray Rice

Steve Slaton

Derrick Ward

Piere Thomas

Tim Hightower

Cedric Benson

Darren Sproles

Felix Jones


WR Keeper's

Greg Jennings

Dwayne Bowe

Roddy White

Santana Moss

Vincent Jackson

Anthony Gonzalez

Derrick Mason

Ted Ginn Jr

DeSean Jackson

Mushin Muhammad

Steve Breaston

Steve Smith NYG

Lance Moore

Antonio Bryant

Michael Jenkins

Donnie Avery


QB Keeper's

Drew Brees

Philip Rivers

Donovan McNabb

Eli Manning

Aron Rodgers

Kurt Warner

Matt Schaub

Jason Campbell

Trent Edwards

Shaun Hill

Matt Ryan

Matt Cassel


What I got to work with.........I think I'm going to have to go after a Qb early, there alot off the board....Not asking you to do my draft but would like some input.....


1. Pick 10 Best Rb available

2. Pick 15 Keeper Rb Michael Turner Bye 4

3. Pick 34 Keeper Wr Greg Jennings Bye 5

4. Pick 39 Wr

5. Pick 58 Qb

6. Pick 63 Rb

7. Pick 82 Keeper Rb Felix Jones Bye 6

8. Pick 87 Keeper Te Owen Daniels Bye 10

9. Pick 106 Qb

10. Pick 111 Te

11. Pick 130 Best Player Available

12. Pick 135 Best Player Available

13. Pick 154 Keeper Wr Eddie Royal Bye 7

14. pick 159 Defense

15. Pick 178 Kicker

16. Pick Keeper Dominic Hixon

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I'd be sure to be very flexible with what spot you are drafting when. If those RBs are available at your pick in the first round, I certainly take one since you already have two solid WRs but only one starting RB (though I think felix may end up putting up good numbers). I'd probably hold off on drafting a QB, especially with so many kept as the other owners will be looking to fill their lineups before drafting a backup QB.

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