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should i make this trade

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i give up

michael turner

dwayne bowe


i get

matt forte

roddy white



im looking to trade turner away for another RB plus someone else

in my opinion, turner wont do as well as last year and i feel there are other RBs that will put up just as good rushing numbers as him,

but they will also have decent receiving numbers (turner dosnt get anything from receiving)

so if you dont think i should do this trade who are some other RBs i could try to get


thanks for any advice

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Looks like a pretty even deal - ther might be an arguement to be made that each rb in the trade will outscore the other, likewise with the WRs ... Atlanta has a decent rushing schedule, but will TonyG help or hurt Turner (esp TDs)? Chicago has a bit tougher rushing schedule (with Balt/Minn in weeks 15/16), but will Cutler help or hurt Forte? Does Bowe get more opportunities or more def coverage with Gonzo gone -- and does Roddy get less def coverage or less opportunity with Gonzo? :wacko:


I think this one comes down to the nuance of who you want to hook your wagon to ... If you're not hot for Turner, you're not hurting yourself by making the deal -- I just think it's tooo early to tell if you're helping yourself significantly.

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I'd do the trade, Gonz will cause White to get less coverage & they have a tougher running schedule this year so Turner's number's will go down. Forte will still catch a ton out of the backfield and the field will open up because of Cutler's arm and Hester's speed, which will be benificial to the running game. Bowe might have a good year with Cassel there, but the Chiefs are still the Chiefs. Do the trade.

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If you don't have faith in Turner (which I don't, too up and down for me) then this is a perfect trade for you. Forte will score about the same as Turner, or maybe a little bit less, but he will spread it more evenly over all his games. I think White is the better WR in this deal since he has proven chemistry with his QB.

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thanks for the advice everyone

and i also just got this proposed to me from same guy (i still have both trades, so i could do either)


i get

trent edwards

matt forte

roddy white


i give up

jake delhomme

michael turner

dwayne bowe



in my league we start 3 QBs, so either edwards or delhomme will be my 3rd starting QB

should i make this trade or just make the original trade?

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Unless you have a strong personal like / dislike for one or more of the players involved, these proposed deals seem pretty much a "wash" to me no matter how you slice it ... I could see something like this:


Jake = 3200 / 19 TD / 14 Int

Edwards = 3200 / 17 TD / 13 Int


Turner = 1475 / 14 rush, 10 / 60 / 0 recv

Forte = 1200 / 9 rush, 55 / 425 / 2 recv


White = 85 / 1250 / 8

Bowe = 90 / 1175 / 9



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One Important question - is this a dynasty or redraft league?


In a dynasty league, I would jump on that last deal. Forte is younger than Turner, White and Bowe are fairly age similar, and Delhomme is MUCH older than Edwards.


In a re-draft, I would still do the trade. I think Edwards will have a pretty good year with T.O. getting added. (I hate TO, but he usually does well in his first year with a team). Also, I am REALLY not a fan of Turner. I think he is going to break down somewhat this season.

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If they don't have rules for bye-weeks, then, what, eight teams max?


Guess you could do a 10-teamer...that would leave 2 starting NFL QB's on the waiver wire, given that each team only drafts 2 QB's to begin with.

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