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U.S. Housing Subprime Mortgage Market Securitization Debacle, They Knew What They Were Selling


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Are you telling me the bankers weren't entirely innocent victims of a government that forced them at gunpoint to sell stuff that they knew would go bad?


I'm shocked, I tell ye, shocked.



you're amazing when it comes to the big picture :wacko:


I'm talking about details...read the details...


we all know they suck, but the details are frightening...

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Read half so far . . and am already pissed beyond belief. cant wait for the second half tomorrow. :wacko:



In that case, I'd best not read it....I tend to walk around in a state of simmering furiosity when I start thinking politics.

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In that case, I'd best not read it....I tend to walk around in a state of simmering furiosity when I start thinking politics.


This goes way beyond politics . . . more under the guise of Gordon Gecko "greed is good" . . until they screw the pooch, and the gubment bails out the damn banks under TARP and we are left holding the bag . . . but I dont want to spoil the ending for you . . . read on

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you're amazing when it comes to the big picture :wacko:


I'm talking about details...read the details...


we all know they suck, but the details are frightening...

I read it. It tells me what I already knew. Bankers should be publicly flogged with one in ten executed.

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:wacko: A week before the elections and a series of articles like this come out to remind you who the real culprit was behind our financial crisis. Pull the strings puppet master and watch them dance.


Why are they posting articles that we have to read when they think we're too dumb?

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I would post the article, but it's way too long but well worth the read or even if you want to skim to the areas that are in bold and underlined .....


Great article, though much of it was not a big shock. These were smart people selling this garbage, obviously they knew what they were doing. It was a combination of fraud and hubris, based on the assumption that real estate values would keep climbing. These guys got complacent, were drunk on easy money, and anyone who raised a caution flag was viewed as a paranoid pain in the ass. This kind of thinking is ingrained in human nature. It's easier to enjoy the party like everyone else than to be the one killjoy thinking about the consequences.


What is scary though is that the initial bubble burst was just the beginning. The aftershocks have not even begun yet, and that surely means the "recovery" is not going to happen any time soon.

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:wacko: A week before the elections and a series of articles like this come out to remind you who the real culprit was behind our financial crisis. Pull the strings puppet master and watch them dance.



Um, yeah, the Wall Street bankers actually WERE the real culprits behind the financial crisis, as they usually tend to be. Obviously the gov't was complicit in it, but they tend to be, given all the coin Wall Street shovels their way on an annual basis.

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:wacko: A week before the elections and a series of articles like this come out to remind you who the real culprit was behind our financial crisis. Pull the strings puppet master and watch them dance.


There have been lots of articles written on this topic. There's nothing incredibly surprising in these articles.


Also, the guy who posted that, John Mauldin, has conservative economic views. Not everything is about politics which is the conclusion some people seem to want to jump to.

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There have been lots of articles written on this topic. There's nothing incredibly surprising in these articles.


Also, the guy who posted that, John Mauldin, has conservative economic views. Not everything is about politics which is the conclusion some people seem to want to jump to.


The point is the timing of the article. If anyone believes it is a coincidence that this is published one week before elections, that person is incredibly naive. It has one purpose; to make you jump. They might as well publish a new study on how Bush stole the election in 2000.

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The point is the timing of the article. If anyone believes it is a coincidence that this is published one week before elections, that person is incredibly naive. It has one purpose; to make you jump. They might as well publish a new study on how Bush stole the election in 2000.


I understood your point.


Explain how this article would have an impact on the elections.

Edited by Jackass
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The point is the timing of the article. If anyone believes it is a coincidence that this is published one week before elections, that person is incredibly naive. It has one purpose; to make you jump. They might as well publish a new study on how Bush stole the election in 2000.

You do realize it's a British publication, don't you? The link is a .co.uk address.

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