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the dog maulers surprise me

frenzal rhomb

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Anyone have experience with this?? Came home today to a message that the dog owner filed a claim and his insurance co. wants some info. I didnt call back yet but what do you think is the rub here?


Will they try to get me to settle cheap?

Can he have them pay the court ordered restitution??


I mean why file a claim now? I dont trust him as far as I can throw him. I work in insurance but not property.


Anyone see through this ??

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He's filing a claim now so he doesn't get garnished. He tried to play the game and lost. They won't try to get you to settle cheap. You'll be reimbursed in full.

I mean could it be that simple - his property damaged my property - heres your check?? I guess they would have to pay the court?

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Yes...it's that simple unless his policy specifically excludes dogs or that breed. If he lied on the application and said he didn't have a pit bull...then you could be screwed.


Some companies ask about dog breeds on the app...some don't. But if it's covered you'll get paid quick. They'll want this settled.

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I will be surprised if that is covered, and if it is, that guy is a bigger POS than I thought for not doing that from the beginning.


Most policies pay on dog bites. But if they ask in the application if you have a Pit Bull and you lie...then they will deny the claim. But a lot of policies don't even ask about dog breeds in the app.

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Most policies pay on dog bites. But if they ask in the application if you have a Pit Bull and you lie...then they will deny the claim. But a lot of policies don't even ask about dog breeds in the app.

it was a bull mastiff - but again isnt this a his property caused damage to my property issue??

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I will be surprised if that is covered, and if it is, that guy is a bigger POS than I thought for not doing that from the beginning.

dude, this guy is a huge POS. In court tuesday, he denied responsibility by saying I fell on my dog while his dog was trying to kill my dog thus causing the injuries and implying it was my fault. My guess is he went to a lawyer who told him to settle this otherwise hed still be at it

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dude, this guy is a huge POS. In court tuesday, he denied responsibility by saying I fell on my dog while his dog was trying to kill my dog thus causing the injuries and implying it was my fault. My guess is he went to a lawyer who told him to settle this otherwise hed still be at it


Has his insurance company provided you anything in writing indicating they have accepted liability? If not, I would be very careful what I say.

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nope, just a phone message saying they had a claim filed by Mr. Dog Mauler and they were gathering info. Trust me, I have my own questions before I answer anything, Im not gonna say anything that can be used on his appeal




He may have even filed a claim on his insurance for himself for all we know.

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He may have even filed a claim on his insurance for himself for all we know.

yeah - I could see him trying to make a buck for himself out of this. However my best gut tells me, he saw a lawyer, the lawyer looked at it objectively and said the best option for you is to file with your insurance to pay the restitution. Who knows though ??

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yeah - I could see him trying to make a buck for himself out of this. However my best gut tells me, he saw a lawyer, the lawyer looked at it objectively and said the best option for you is to file with your insurance to pay the restitution. Who knows though ??


I hope you are right. His insurance company doing right by you all would be a nice end to all the BS you guys have been through.

Edited by Clubfoothead
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Not to slam all insurance companies, but I just feel like they're always trying to get out of it. One of my clients is a roofer and he tells me that when he's up on a roof with an adjuster that they're always trying to get out of a claim. Don't tell them anything, don't agree to anything... until you're sure it's right for you.


He's partially right. Roofers always want the roof totaled. Insurance companies don't. If insurance companies always followed roofers' advice your premium would double.


Insurance companies have to protect the home. If there is damage that affects the structural integrity of the roof and they deny the claim...then they are on the hook for any subsequent loss. They don't want this. But they also won't replace the entire roof when only a portion is damaged. Times have changed.


I see both sides daily. Insurance companies (especially in North Texas) are losing their tails right now with claims. I almost always take the insured's side but I also don't want premiums going up and I see how much insurers are losing.

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I'd try to have your insurance company handle the call back, and let the two of them sort it out if possible like in a car accident. Not sure if it works that way in this situation? OR maybe have your attorney handle it. Even if it costs a touch more it might be the safest way to handle this without saying something that would prevent you from getting a check.

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There's nothing to say. He's won a judgement. Send them what they want and collect your check.



just don't settle for cappachino on the first offer Cosmo, do you foresee any other problems with yer dog down the road, consult yer vet and get a night scope listed under after care

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my biggest question is who will they make the check out to. If its him, he'll just cash it and keep it, if it goes to me or the court, then I'll be a little more inclined to cooperate


The check won't be to him. He didn't suffer the loss. It will be to you.

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I don't think that there is any really reason for you to be apprehensive.


It sounds like he filed a claim with his insurance company. He may not have done it timely. He may not have coverage. He may not be sufficiently cooperating with them.


In any event, the insurance company has a duty to investigate the claim. If they determine that there is coverage and if you demostrate your damages to their satisfaction, they will probably cut you a chack. Call me crazy, but I think that you'll want to cooperate with them.


Call the person back. Ask them what they want and why they want it. If that person answers your questions to your satisfaction, provide them with the documents that they ask for.


There is no need to be coy or cute.

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