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The homeless are twittering...


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I think you guys might agree that if some of these people are using social sites for food banks and housing, then there is a good chance a few people are searching for jobs the same way.


If this was 1950 would you guys be jumping on a homeless person for buying a newspaper? :wacko:

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I think you guys might agree that if some of these people are using social sites for food banks and housing, then there is a good chance a few people are searching for jobs the same way.


If this was 1950 would you guys be jumping on a homeless person for buying a newspaper? :wacko:

If they were buying the newspaper to find themselves a hooker or figure out the best drink specials in town, I would perhaps remind them that the paper also had job ads. Just sayin'.

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I think you guys might agree that if some of these people are using social sites for food banks and housing, then there is a good chance a few people are searching for jobs the same way.


If this was 1950 would you guys be jumping on a homeless person for buying a newspaper? :wacko:

I think the point is that they are using smart phones not the fact of using social media sites. I don't really care if a homeless person is sitting in a library or whatever chatting with friends or using Facebook. I DO have an issue with someone who is living off the government spending money on a smart phone.

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I DO have an issue with someone who is living off the government spending money on a smart phone.


But China makes this stuff so cheaply that any American is able to purchase one. Maybe we could work out some deal that with every Chinese product we buy, it lowers out debt to them.

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I think the point is that they are using smart phones not the fact of using social media sites. I don't really care if a homeless person is sitting in a library or whatever chatting with friends or using Facebook. I DO have an issue with someone who is living off the government spending money on a smart phone.


So someone on unemployment should drop their smart phone? Also have you read the article? "smart phone" is a term used ONCE and refers to people (in this article) who had to leave their homes...hence they're homeless.


So why, if they had to leave their home in a financial emergency should they cough up a phone they can send email(resumes) from and respond to potential employers in a timely manner via email, etc? Would you want to call evey potential employer from a pay phone or inside a homeless shelter?


My question is this: what are you referring to: secs smart phone crack in his own sentence(not backed up in his own artcile btw), darins uninformed and frustrated diatribe at panhandlers or something else entirely you've made up? Your statement seems awfully asinine: lose your home and throw away very potential tool to better your situation.

Edited by Pope Flick
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My wife once caught one of her people panhandling. The girl made about 30k with full benefits. Wife told her to make a choice of employment. She stuck to panhandling because it paid more. True story.

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So someone on unemployment should drop their smart phone? Also have you read the article? "smart phone" is a term used ONCE and refers to people (in this article) who had to leave their homes...hence they're homeless.


So why, if they had to leave their home in a financial emergency should they cough up a phone they can send email(resumes) from and respond to potential employers in a timely manner via email, etc? Would you want to call evey potential employer from a pay phone or inside a homeless shelter?


My question is this: what are you referring to: secs smart phone crack in his own sentence(not backed up in his own artcile btw), darins uninformed and frustrated diatribe at panhandlers or something else entirely you've made up? Your statement seems awfully asinine: lose your home and throw away very potential tool to better your situation.

I guess we just see things differently - I will make the assumption that most people on welfare or homeless people are not spending the majority of the smart phone time sending out resumes and calling prospective employers.


yes I think someone on unemployment should drop their smart phone IF it costs more than other phones. If you are on unemployement you should be spending your (and mine) money wisely and be pinching every penny possible. You may think everyone has good intentions but I don't think they all do. We need people in this country to think like you do and we need people to think like I do to balance it out.


And to answer your last question - I was mainly speaking to secs crack (that did not sound good).

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My question is this: what are you referring to: secs smart phone crack in his own sentence(not backed up in his own artcile btw), darins uninformed and frustrated diatribe at panhandlers or something else entirely you've made up? Your statement seems awfully asinine: lose your home and throw away very potential tool to better your situation.

Uninformed? I beg to differ. Pun not intended.

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it seemed to me like the article was about the homeless using "social media" to, essentially, find the next handout. my only real responses to it were, 1) there's a little bit of a funny/ironic hook there, conjuring images of hobos tweeting and whatnot, and 2) I'd love instead to see a story about them using this technology to, you know, better their situation in a more permanent way.

Edited by Azazello1313
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You know what grinds my gears?


All these hordes of unwashed homeless people with all these sweet phones and using social media. Next they will roll up in their pimped out Escalades to spend their (my) food stamp money unwisely and supplement that with their 6 figure income they get panhandling.



I wonder why this story of the huge amount of middle class panhandlers with all the awesome technical gadgets isnt being broadcast from coast to coast? :wacko:

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