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Deporations of illegals


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There is a process in place to allow someone to enter this country legally. I have NO remorse for those who enter illegally and get tossed out. I have no love for those who have entered illegally and have not gotten caught. You are breaking the law.

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There is a process in place to allow someone to enter this country legally. I have NO remorse for those who enter illegally and get tossed out. I have no love for those who have entered illegally and have not gotten caught. You are breaking the law.


I have trouble taking this stand either. I empathize with and understand the motivation of these people. Few of them are even able to comprehend that they are "breaking the law" in a meaningful sense (which still does not excuse the fact that they broke it). The educational ignorance of the majority of these people makes the concept of "sovereign borders" as real as fusion technology is to our scientists.


As my group rolls into our duty week, I dread the call where some Human Trafficking stash house is found and we have to process 30 illegals. Some are hardened scumbags that need to go to jail for a long time. The majority are helpless, hungry, scared and have usually endured sever abuse along the way.


Many tell me that if they had known what awaited them on their journey through Mexico, they would never have started. The rapes, the beatings, the forced slavery, the murders they witness. Most are relieved to be in our custody where they know they are finally safe. It takes me weeks to get over it sometimes.


Yes. We suffer as a nation because of this problem and have to fix it. Those making this journey suffer at a personal level few of us will EVER comprehend. I don't hate these people, or even blame them for what they do (in the majority). I do my job and I do it as well as I can, but the day I stop feeling compassion for anyone is the day I need to stop.


Each side latches onto their political dogma and once entrenched, it is hard to find your way out. That is why it is such a hard issue to solve. In the other "Dream Act" thread, I outlined how we can make them "self deport", but nobody seemed to want to really discuss the issue. "shrug:

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